Scotland retains the title of the sick-man of Europe with joint awards in the top categories of poverty induced health problems: heart disease and obesity. We maintain one of the worst diets in the western world – for which Blair’s govt and his Holyrood muppets are culpable. But elsewhere in Europe imaginative alternatives are being explored:
Yubljana, SLOVENIA. The presidents of organic farmers associations from
Slovenia: Union of Slovenian Organic Farmers` Associations (USOFA), Austria: Bio-Ernte Austria from Carinthia and Styria, Italy: APROBIO from Friuli-Venezia Giulia and AVEPROBI from Veneto signed a declaration to create a bioregion dedicated to the growing of organic food.
More here...
The bioregion should comprise the whole of Slovenia, the Austrian provinces of Carinthia and Styria and the Italian provinces of Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Veneto.
and here...
Boris Fras is the Jose Bove of Slovenia. He hasn’t attacked any McDonalds with sledgehammers. Nor has he made it into the headlines for destroying genetically modified crops. But in his vineyards and among his olive trees along the Adriatic Coast, Boris Fras is waging the same battle as his farming comrade-in-arms in France.
Continued on ZMag here...