In a democracy, when [bad things] do happen, people are held to account . - Tony Blair Oh yeah? So Hoon will resign then? A year ago, on Friday 16 January Geoff Hoon resisted calls for his resignation when it became clear that a soldier killed in Iraq lacked the proper body armour. Instead the defence secretary said he was "extremely sorry". Sgt Steve Roberts, 33, was told to hand back his flak jacket while serving with the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment, because there were not enough to go round. Days later, on 24 March last year, he was shot dead trying to quell a riot. On 13th August last year Des James and Reg Keys called for Geoff’s resignation arguing that he has failed to supply a reasonable explanation of the death of their children at Deepcut Barracks and in Iraq. In September last year Hoon resisted calls to resign, after Britain's intelligence watchdogs faulted him for being “less than candid” during their probe into the way intelligence was used in the run-up to the Iraq war. The Intelligence and Security Committee had reported: "We regard the initial failure by the MoD to disclose that some staff had put their concerns in writing to their line managers (superiors) as unhelpful and potentially misleading" . He was grilled about the fictional Weapons of Mass Destruction by the Defence Select Committee. He told the committee that he had been aware that the 45 minute claim referred only to battlefield weapons, but only after the dossier had been published. He said he had discovered the information because he had asked the Defence Ministry, but had not told the prime minister as, "It was not a significant issue at the time. It was not a matter we discussed." No resignation. So I doubt very much whether Blair or Hoon will lose much sleep over these pictures which they will have seen months ago. This is state-sponsored sex abuse. No one will resign.