It’s lovely to watch Blair’s Britain operate in a real crisis. Where are the tanks at Heathrow when you need them? The Sudan 1 “scare” has dragged on for weeks publically but now it turns out – according to this is money – that some people have been eating the stuff for 16 months! Ever felt you’re being treated with contempt? What the biggest food alert since BSE has exposed, is not just how much shit we eat, but how little choice there really is in our lovely capitalist food system. Behind the glossy mags and the deluge of food tv, everyone’s at home munching down on their carcinogenic Shepherd’s Pie ‘pinged' in their microwave for 30 seconds. Despite Ainsley Harriot and all the only explanation of how many foods are affected by one pesky Worcester sauce dye is that it all looks and tastes the same. But while your passing the boke bucket raise a cheer to the genius of New Labour who quickly handed over responsibility to the Food Standards Agency (FSA) on coming to power. No nasty John Gummer moments for them. Parallel to this lovely story is the media frenzy surrounding Jamie Oliver’s stumbling over the fact that schoolchildren are being fed absolute shit. Even our Jamie’s cottoned on to the fact that the new ‘Independent Body’ set up by New Labour to look in to the whole problem is packed with the very corporate bodies that have been serving this muck up for years. Fantastic stuff. Can we add “Blair Blair Food Scare” to the pantheon of chants a la “Thatcher Thatcher Milk Snatcher”? List of affected foods here. Jamie Oliver here.