Beejeezus it’s St Paddy's Day when everyone gets sizzled and maudlin about the dear old Oirish. Traditionally its time for the romantic to get out the Rebel Song Book, ham-up on the Easter Rising and get their heels a clicking to Riverdance. Scotland in particular is full of 90 Minute Republicans who – in reality - don’t know one end of armalite from another. Celtic Park is full of radical republicans who aspire to freedom, socialism and a peoples uprising absolutely anywhere but the place they actually live. Now the whole brutal reality of paramilitary activity is being uncovered it will be fun to see how many of the part-time rebels will be singing their songs on a Saturday? The good news is that the McCartney campaign may do nothing but good for Sinn Fein in the long run. The appendage of “Sinn-Fein-IRA” may be removed from round their necks and they can move on to freedom and unity for Ireland…Now that would be something worth celebrating. McCartney's Do America Sinn Fein try and paper over the cracks

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