12th JULY
Ah the glorious racism that a real panic throws up. Isn’t it great? Rather than wallow in the multicultural problems South of the Tweed (internment anyone?), lets take a quick check on how Union Jack McConnel’s anti-sectarianism campaign’s going.
What affect, for example, has his high profile campaign against ‘Scotland’s Shame’ had on the Glorious 12th? Oh-oh. None whatsoever. Could this be because the campaign was a piss-awful bit of waffling spin, without the clout or will to back it up? Here’s a report from the Herald months after the Jacks stoopid conference from this week:
“FRESH concerns have been raised about Orange walks after police condemned "disgraceful" scenes which resulted in 20 arrests at a parade in Scotland's largest city. Police said the march on July 12 in the east end of Glasgow was marred by drunkenness, sectarian singing and general disorder.”
No shit Sherlock! Still at least this makes you think that all is well:
“Robert McLean, an executive officer with the order, said: "Strathclyde Police has confirmed that they had very good relations with the organisers in the lead up to the event and that none of those arrested were members of the lodge, or band personnel, or in any way involved with the parade.
We can be proud that our efforts to continue the excellent behaviour from those officially connected with the Orange Order have been maintained and can only express our sincere disappointment that a small number of the 1500 people who watched the parade have caused the police concern."
Ahh, sort of reminds you of media response to the G8 doesn’t it? Can you imagine if this was hatred against another section of the community? Why doesn’t the media lambast these morons into the ground on nightly television like they’ve just finished doing with a bunch of anarchic face-paint artists?
Is there something intrinsically broken about Scottish culture that has allowed this farce to become normalised?
"If you hate a man for an obvious and palpable injury, it is likely that when he cancels the injury by an act of subsequent kindness, accompanied by an exhibition of sincere sorrow, you will cease to look upon him as your enemy; but when the hatred is such that while feeling it, you cannot on a sober examination of your heart, account for it, there is little hope that you will ever be able to stifle the enmity which you entertain against him".
More here... Red Flag, Union Jack McConnell and Wikipedia
Flat Earth Society
Meanwhile back in Ukania New Labour’s desperation over people making – what at the face of it seems a pretty basic comment – that of course the attacks on London are in part a response to Tony’s, er, foreign policy – is looking more and more anxious.
Not surprising really given that, according to the Iraq Body Count the number of Iraqi civilians who met violent deaths in the two years after the US-led invasion was today put at 24,865 by an independent research team.
The figures, compiled from Iraqi and international media reports, found US and coalition military forces were responsible for 37% of the deaths, with anti-occupation forces and insurgents responsible for 9%. A further 36% were blamed on criminal violence.
More here.
New Labour’s attack-mutt John Reid has been let off the leash on this one, and there peculiar twisting of reality now sits quite nicely with the Americans disbelief in global warming. Is this the new flat earth society?
You may remember that in Fahrenheit 451 a group of people dedicated themselves to memorize books, to save them from being destroyed. Now it seems the task is to protect some basic realities from abuse. “Actions have consequences” Tony. You were told that invading Iraq in an illegal war would create a vast army of recruits in Jihad. It has. Global Warming has consequences. Total submission to venal business criminals has consequences. You were told that your chairmanship of the G8 would end in abject failure to deal with this problem. It has. Goodbye.
I like the 'anger trance' headline above Reid. Photoshop or real life proof of God?
left by Rich on 22 July 2005
left by Gus on 22 July 2005