Flags of Convenience

This Saint Andrew's Day, the First Minister in a statement that conjoures up memories of his "Scotland is the best small country in the world" declaration said that the day was an ideal opportunity to take stock and celebrate Scotland's global prominence. Unfortunately for Jack McConnell, 500 writers also used the day to point out the lack of knowledge of and lack of teaching about Scotland's history, language and literature to Scotland's citizens. The group including Edwin Morgan, who handed in a 1000-strong petition to Holyrood, pointed out that to have a valid cultural distinctiveness, it has to be grounded on a natural understanding of our history and literature.

They make the point that to truly be a nation, even of the type that only exists in the imagination of the First Minister, it is vital that the people of that nation need to understand its historical and cultural background.

The principle petitioner Donald Smith, Convener of Literature Forum for Scotland, said that every person in Scotland was entitled to the opportunity to learn about Scotland's literature and history.
He went on to say that he had been surprised by the breadth and strength of support for this.
The thinking behind this initiative is that if Scotland is such a great country, why is teaching of its history and culture so woefully inadequate?

The petition argues that a review of the way in which these subjects are taught at primary, secondary and higher education levels need to be undertaken in order that people have a more comprehensive knowledge of their own cultural distinctiveness.

1 comment

Scottish Parliament e-petition on-line

St Andrew's Day petition - the teaching of Scottish culture
Raised by: Dr Donald Smith, on behalf of Literature Forum for Scotland
on 30 November 2005

Petition by Dr Donald Smith, on behalf of the Literature Forum for
Scotland, calling for the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish
Executive to urgently review the study of Scottish history, literature
and languages at primary, secondary and tertiary levels to ensure that
all citizens of Scotland have the opportunity to understand these key
aspects of their own society and culture.

To sign this petition fill in the form below and press 'Sign'
* All fields are compulsory, except Email
(Closing date for signatures - 11 January 2006)


Petition title:
St Andrew's Day petition - the teaching of Scottish culture

Raised by:
Dr Donald Smith, on behalf of Literature Forum for Scotland

Date raised: 30 November 2005

Corresponding issue: Education

Number of discussion comments: 6

Number of signatures: 572

left by Niniane Mackenzie on 12 December 2005