Spotify playlists

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Playlists by dale1664 Spotify profile

  1. Seek And You Shall Find

    A great playlist to find some hidden gems that you might never have listened to before!

    668 clicks

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    Shared on 21 Mar 2012 by dale1664

  2. Sleep Playlist

    A great playlist to listen to if you are about to sleep or if you just want to chillout!

    980 clicks

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    Shared on 21 Mar 2012 by dale1664


    A great playlist containing all of the best Shoegaze songs that I have come across. A great playlist to find new music!

    712 clicks

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    Shared on 21 Mar 2012 by dale1664

  4. 150 Greatest Rock Debut Albums

    719 clicks

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    Shared on 21 Mar 2012 by dale1664


    A great playlist for all of those going to the 2012 T In The Park festival!

    712 clicks

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    Shared on 21 Mar 2012 by dale1664