Electricity can come and go.

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Electricity can come and go. It is by no means a constant feature. I've got a gas stove in my house, so I'm covered. I can always make food. However, today was one of the inopportune power failures at school. Options pointed in one direction. We sang. David Bowie as it happens. "The sun machine is coming down, and we're going to have party.."

I really should get on with learning swahili. I've learnt some, but it is still a tad limited. I keep on having a different conversation with the person I'm talking to. Although, most of my conversations in swahili are in the pub....

The Scotland football game isn't on the TV. But, on most Saturdays, English first division football is. Thats harsh.


holmes said:

I'm going to the game. Should be good, the stadium is sold out for the first time in 4 years. I'll swear at some lithuanians for you...

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This page contains a single entry by Barry Kennedy published on October 9, 2003 11:15 PM.

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