It's now official, bloggers are


It's now official, bloggers are happen'!
- let me give you a couple of examples - David from Kidnapped has been mistaken for a girl, Naked Blog is hanging out with the in crowd at the MTV awards watching Beyonce, Polkadot has been indulging in the intoxicating whiff of cheap brandy at first light this morning - making Xmas cake of course, 'Yeah but is it Art' had a touching & very funny story about a train journey, Per talks about Ramadan, ... great stories! an that's but a few. Remember to keep them short and snappy, we only need a few minutes speech from each of you! Tomorrow morning we'll be reading them all in their entirety.

don't forget to audio blog if you get the chance.

tryng to think of something witty and engaging to say, wise words at the end of the day... nope, it's gone.


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Margaret Telfer published on November 5, 2003 6:08 PM.

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