Mad day today, but in
Mad day today, but in a good way. Spent the morning editing the Pub Quiz programme, on Sadie (our digital software) remember Dalmellington? Have got my first 2 minutes and now the rest of the programme will simply flow from it... that's the theory anyway. The Radio Times billings are due this week so my thinking cap is now firmly screwed on and I will be writing a few captivating lines which will compell you all to listen on the 28.11.03.
We've confirmed about 10 blogs now and are calling people with more info on the day. It's going to be a great programme, probably because we won't have any control. People blog about what they find interesting, although there will be a couple of themes. Thanks to Gordon on
scottish blogs, it's been such a great help.
Went to Botanics, Kibble Palace, for lunch today, didn't realise it's now officially closed til 2006. Have to find new winter hide-away for munching my sarnies and reading the paper. Orchids maybe? although I'm not a hot-house flower...