Hello....well I'm in my 8th
Hello....well I'm in my 8th week now and apart from feeling nauseous most of the weekend, I had a really pleasant one. Paul took me somewhere posh for dinner on Saturday night and I couldn't eat anything apart from a few mouthfuls of soup...my main course and desert were wasted...it's not like me at all...hopefully this will hurry up and pass!! Paul presented me with a gorgeous silver necklace encrusted with my favorite aquamarine stone :o) so the lack of dinner didn't really matter :o) I stayed with Paul Saturday night and Sunday morning and I was all happy cos I got lots of hugs and lovin :o) It was really hard leaving Daddy again on Sunday night!
Well on Saturday day Mum and I went shopping...we were cooing in the baby clothes shops...but I didn't feel right buying anything just yet....I'm going to leave it a few weeks. We went for lunch (which I never finished) in a nice cafe and it was just lovely sitting chatting as Mum and I don't get to spend a lot of time together. I bought myself some nice hipster jeans and am going to wear them as much as I can before my baby bump begins to grow!
Have discovered a new thing called Preggie Pops....got them off the site Mothersbliss.com. They come in such flavours as lavender, sour lemon and ginger and claim to reduce nausea....I have been sucking away like a good one all weekend and I don't feel any different!!!!
Catch Ya Laters...Nikki xxx