Morning :o) feeling great today...although


Morning :o) feeling great today...although I was little icky last night...but that's prob because my cravings for maltesers took over again last night! But still no morning sickness or anything.

Was at a computer course yesterday and my hungry baby belly was talking to was very embarrassing but funny at the same time as the course tutor knew and he kept staying "awk jnr will ya shush over there" lol.

I read a surprising fact last night that a woman can loose her libido during pregnancy.........sorry but I don't think so!! ;o) mine has tripled!! Let's just say girls that everything gets verrrry sensitive! Anyway different subject lol.....

My Mum and I are going shopping tomorrow...and although I still think it's a wee bit too soon to buy baby clothes and things...I think I'll just buy baby a big cute cuddly teddy and I can cuddle it until baby comes along :o) catch ya laters...NikkiStillNoSignOfABumpYet xx


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This page contains a single entry by Nikki Miller published on September 26, 2003 10:06 AM.

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