Barry's African Adventure: December 2003 Archives

My festive season has been


My festive season has been different from the kind I'm used to. There has still been the copious amounts of cold beverages, socialising and general merryment. However, instead of being safely ensconsed inside I have been sitting around in the sunshine, absolutely baking. I've sat on beaches, mountains and in the middle of nowhere, all the while being roasted. It's been great.

Currently I am in Blantyre pondering whether I can get back to Arusha for hogmanay. Who knows. A couple of thousand kilometers can take a while to cover.

Best of the season to you, and if I don't see you before then, happy new year.



Over the festive season, I am going to Malawi to visit some friends. In my infinite wisdom I decided the best way of reaching there was by bus. However, it is rather a long way.

Currently I am in Morogoro having spent my whole day yesterday on a bus accompanied by a moumental hangover. This was all made that little bit better by temperatures of about forty degrees.

My hangover had been anything but my fault. I put the blame firmly at the feet of football. Celtic vs Lyon was all too much. I found a pub that was playing it, but due to the three hour time delay, the game did not finish until 12.30. By the time I eventually got home, it was late. A few hours sleep later and it was five am. Time to get up, and go for the bus.

Anyway, tomorrow I am going to Mbeya, in the south of Tanzania, before heading for Malawi. This is the middle of summer and it will be absolutely roasting. If only there was a bus with air conditioning.

This was the last week

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This was the last week of school before the Christmas break. So, we had a variety show. I taught some kids in my class a few Beatles songs and a David Bowie number. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves, belting it out.

varietyshow (185k image)

It really is tough when term is only twelve weeks long. I've got a whole month off now before school resumes. The hard life of a teacher.

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