Barry's African Adventure: January 2004 Archives

While leafing through the Daily News, I noticed a rather pleasing advertisement feature.

stellanews (147k image)

I'm sure a song said


I'm sure a song said something about no snow in Africa this Christmas time. Well they should be out my back door looking at Mount Meru.

snow (329k image)

Unfortunately, in Arusha it has just been rain. And I'm not going to the top of Meru just to build a snowman.

In Tanzania, the light rains are supposed to arrive in October. However, with the increasing climate changes that is not the case anymore. October and November were both dry. Now in January, when it supposed to be dry, there are some really heavy rains. This means that when people are trying to get their land ready for the heavy rains in March, they are getting washed out. Subsistance farming is an even more risky business than it ever was.

Anyway, some days it absolutely chucks it down.

rain (178k image)

Although, it does remind me of Scotland in some ways. If you don't like the weather, just wait fifteen minutes and you might like it then.

macca1 (138k image)

Happy New Year. Here are

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Happy New Year. Here are some pictures from my little jaunt to Malawi.

Christmas day at the lake. The only thing that wasn't warm was the beer. Lovely.

atthelake (303k image)

The water of lake Malawi is about as clear as it gets.

clearwater (137k image)

In the afternoon on christmas day, my friend Paul and I went with some other people on aboat trip.

paulboat (168k image)

About a week or two before Christmas, I climbed a mountain. (Mbeya peak)

mountain (286k image)

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This page is a archive of entries in the Barry's African Adventure category from January 2004.

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