....and so Kilimanjaro was conquered.

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....and so Kilimanjaro was conquered. Here is the hike, as told through the medium of the big macca thumbs up.

maccak1 (239k image)

maccak2 (138k image)

maccak3 (176k image)

maccak4 (126k image)

maccak5 (162k image)

Note: Ayr, Ayr, Super Ayr. Bottom of Divsion One in Scotland, top in Africa.

maccak6 (221k image)

The whole experience was rather tough, if not somewhat arduous. It is indeed a long way to Uhuru peak. However, Hendrick, eight kids and myself reached the top. Splendid.


tich said:

Respect to the macca thumbs up. Top class.

hodgers said:


I'm so impressed and jealous.

jenny said:

well done mr k! think you're almost ready for Cairnsmore.

gaz said:

KAZ i don't know if i'm more impressed by the repeated double maccas or the well travelled ayr scarf. Just had a haggis super for lunch.

Cris said:

Nice one Hodgers Bruva!

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This page contains a single entry by Barry Kennedy published on March 21, 2004 5:58 PM.

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