Most days, it is absolutely

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Most days, it is absolutely cooking here. However, there have been some rains, so all the plants are growing like there is no tomorrow. Just look at all the plants at the front of my house.

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I can see Mount Meru from the school grounds. In fact I can actually see it out of my classroom window. Lovely.

Comfortingly, it is an active volcano, which last erupted in 1910

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Paul Kamwendo said:

Have you ever had the braai at the backyard of your house.Malawi is also getting to rainy season.Plants have started growing.And with the coming of the first rains Carlsberg beer(Green) has already come with a competition.Four bottles can give you K5,000.00.

Once you are here you shall win.

I just like the view of the mountain. In Ntcheu, I also have the best view of the Ntcheu hill.I hope you are prepared for the mountain ride.With Shake-shake in your hand.International beer.CHIBUKU.

Iwenso Zungu.

Rosalind said:

Guess who directed me here?

It looks a wonderful environment

and it sounds as though you are having a great experience - I feel quite envious.

Hope you have a restful holiday and enjoy your break. Best wishes for 2004!

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This page contains a single entry by Barry Kennedy published on November 16, 2003 10:18 AM.

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