Nikki's Pregnancy Diary: April 2004 Archives
Well hello there folks ;o) god it's been ages since i last posted an update on this! I've been off on maternity leave ya see..and can't get access to a proper im sending an email from my tv email to my wee Hodgers and he is gonna post it for me :o)
Well I have been a lady of leisure for 6 weeks's lovely having all this time to play around with and chill and people are telling me to enjoy it while i can..but im getting really fed up now, have painted walls, cleared out cupboards,organised babies stuff (over and over again) and scrubbed the apartment getting so bored waiting for baby to not so sure whether id take so much time off work before the actual birth again!
But apart from all that baby and I have been keeping really well...pretty easy pregnancy it has been me thinks...and people can't believe im full term...they say i only look about 5 months gone..suits me fine :o) the smaller jnr is the easier the birth will be..hopefully :o/
Well today is my due date and for the past week or so i have been having regular twinges and mild contractions and I go and get myself all excited..and the they disapear again grrrrr! At this stage im saying BRING ON THE PAIN! and reminding baby to feel free to make a move anytime! I just can't wait to meet our little so very excited and so are all my family. Paul keeps feeding me spicy foods as an aid to speed things on a bit...and im forever having baths and long walks.. and this aint i guess jnr will just join us when he/she is good n ready.
Well the next update will hopefully be to broadcast the good news...keep ur fingers n toes crossed for us...pray etc..anything that you think will help..catch ya soon, luv Nikki xox