Hello :o) well if you


Hello :o) well if you have'nt looked below already, look now as my wee scans are uploaded and are pretty darn amazing. I will have even more to show you in about 1 month's time...and these will be even clearer!

I'm now 13 weeks and I feel fab. I have recently started to feel my wee belly get harder and there is a slight mound forming..it's cute. I'm sleeping better and my appetite is back....and some!

Paul and I are getting on grand and looking forward to our holiday to Portugal...which is in less than 2 weeks :o)

I've started looking at little baby catalogues and have more or less planned baby's nursery out!

Catch ya soon, Nikki xox

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Nikki Miller published on October 22, 2003 10:48 AM.

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