Hi peeps :o) Well I've
Hi peeps :o) Well I've been for that 2nd scan and things are great... baby has a strong heart and is bouncing about healthily... I'm really starting to feel movement now... kinda feels like a wee tummy rumble or like baby is poking me inside. I'm just over 17 weeks pregnant now... they say baby is due on 5th May.
This was my first official appointment at the hospital (the last one was just a reassurance scan). This was called my 'Booking In Appointment' - they take my height & weight, take blood & urine samples, scan my tummy, I get to have a wee chat with the Doctor and Midwives and they give me loads of books, vouchers and free samples. All in all it was a pleasant visit... everybody is really nice... but I passed out while getting my bloods taken! I'm not usually that squeamish but show me a needle (especially one that is going into my arm to extract 6 tubes of blood!) and I'm a goner! Thank god my Mum was there (she'd never seen a scan before and was all excited) as I just remember things going cloudy on the first sample...then I woke up to find my Mum and the Nurse looking over me...I then looked over to the desk and seen that she had taken 6 samples... which nearly sent me over the edge again! I can laugh about it now but it was horrible at the time as I was left with such a migraine and couldn't go back into work. I'm such a wimp!
Anyway I feel a lot more settled now knowing everything is ok and that my Baby is keeping well. I can get more excited now and begin planning things...my Mother and I went straight to the baby shops that night hehe. I have opted for 'Shared Care' which means that I can see the Doctor in my own Doctor's Surgery for routine tests and just go to the hospital for the scans... my next scan is on 22nd December and this will be my 22 week scan...the big Ultrasonic one which shows baby in real detail....they can also inform me of any abnormalities at this stage...which is a tough one...I don't know if I want to know or not :o/ but they can also tell me the baby's sex :o)
Paul is all dead chuffed and getting more and more excited now that I am showing... everything seems more real. We have decided to take the flat that we viewed a few weeks back... we go tonight to pass the money over and get the key :o) so this weekend we'll be moving everything in. Ohhhhh It's all very exciting for us!
Oh and I'm just waiting on my scan being sent over so I can download it and post it here... won't be long :o)
Catch you soon, Nikki xxx