Howdy. Well today I just


Howdy. Well today I just feel plain sicky bad :o( but I've learnt how to deal with it - by drinking plenty of water and eating dry toast! Yuk I know but hey it works! Just had a lovely weekend chilling with Paul and doing very little...he looked after me well :o)

I wondered why I hadn't had word from the hospital regarding my first antenatal appointment so I rang them and they hadn't received the letter of referral from my doctor...and he claimed to send it 3 weeks ago! Anyway they have faxed it through now and I should get a date for my first appointment in about 1 week's time. I didn't realise this but the first appointment isn't until week 12-14 of I have AGES to wait :o( I would really prefer to have that over and done with before I go away on hols (when i'll be flying at 12 weeks) so maybe they could hurry it on or something, fingers crossed. At my first appointment I get a wee scan and everything :o)

Well ya know the way I said I was gonna keep going to my gym :o/ well excuses aside, I just couldn't be bothered with it at the moment....but I'm gonna have to get my ass into gear before the abundance of Maltesers that I am scoffing move to the hips and stay there forever lol. Everybody says that I have an excuse cos im pregnant but im trying not to think like that ;o>

Catch ya tomorrow...Nikki xxx


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This page contains a single entry by Nikki Miller published on October 6, 2003 4:40 PM.

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