A great perspective on motivations at work

...one can be passionate about their employer and the work they do, but it's a matter of which one employers value. And all too often, it's the wrong one. The simple 4-quesetion(sic) test to see if someone has a passion for their work:

  • When was the last time you read a trade/professional journal or book related to your work? (can substitute "attended an industry conference or took a course")
  • Name at least two of the key people in your field.
  • If you had to, would you spend your own money to buy tools or other materials that would improve the quality of your work?
  • If you did not do this for work, would you still do it (or something related to it) as a hobby?
This is a blog post on hodgers.com, written by Tom Hodgkinson on February 7, 2007. Share