littleblip: November 2003 Archives
I've done it!
It's happening again, can't seem to post - so here's my posting in comment stylee.
Today is a great day! Quiz Town is packed off to Presentation and will be on air 2mrw morning at 11.33, rpt 22.30 (same timing as Blogday next Friday!). Finished the edit on Monday but it's now gone. Never worked with so much audio material before, took a L-O-O-O-O-O-N-N-N-N-G time to finish... sigh.
Obscurity and Timesnewroman were in today reading their blogs. Think Faithtastic met up with Laura yesterday. So that' us, we've got our stuff. Still unsure about using the audio blogs, content is fun but the quality is not great, have to decide tomorrow. Time has now come to start experimenting. Might come in at the weekend, see how far we get tomorrow.
Can't believe tomorrow is the last day for this years Diversity Team. We've been working together since last December - the year has... you know it's been faster the light, time has flown in. Going off for a long last lunch tomorrow. Shame Roshni can't be there, but Eid in Pakistan must be incredible.
Heads buzzing, must go home.
Apologies for the delay in posting, having probs blogging, must call Tom.
Will start listening through and editing next week! We've got 4 more blogs to record before our audio fest is complete. I've already had phone call from Ken in Presentation who wants clips by next Wednesday for the trail to start on Friday!
I've read all the blogs but the exciting bit will be listening to all of you. Can kick off on Wednesday I think. It's funny but I know by listening to the voices a picture starts to form in my mind and the programme develops a personality.
It's all madness and mayhem here on Children In Need night, think I just saw Gareth Gates, spotted the security guard first actually. I've been editing all day so have totally missed out. Can't wait for the weekend. Back in on Sunday though.
Will keep you updated.
Thank you all for a great day! We've got some great stories and personal views on a day in Scotland. We've spent the morning trading views and ideas of how the final programme will sound.
I'm off to a wedding in Norway this afternoon and won't be back until Monday 17th but the rest of the Blogday Team will be out recording your blogs.
Roll on 5th of December!
It's now official, bloggers are happen'!
- let me give you a couple of examples - David from Kidnapped has been mistaken for a girl, Naked Blog is hanging out with the in crowd at the MTV awards watching Beyonce, Polkadot has been indulging in the intoxicating whiff of cheap brandy at first light this morning - making Xmas cake of course, 'Yeah but is it Art' had a touching & very funny story about a train journey, Per talks about Ramadan, ... great stories! an that's but a few. Remember to keep them short and snappy, we only need a few minutes speech from each of you! Tomorrow morning we'll be reading them all in their entirety.
don't forget to audio blog if you get the chance.
tryng to think of something witty and engaging to say, wise words at the end of the day... nope, it's gone.
Anyone else having problems with their server today? This will be my 3rd attempt to post!! So it'll have to be fast and furious. There's a definete buzz in the office today, we're talking to the 16 bloggers who will be taking part in Blogday tomorrow. The idea is everyone blogs as normal, although I do take Naked Blog's point Naked Blog that whacky could be more interesting. But isn't that why people read blogs? Other people's lives are just so much more fascinating. It's a snapshot of Scotland from a perspective we've not heard before.
Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow! Happy writing.
Check out the final list please have a look here.
The programme will be broadcast on 5th December.