An introduction to British firebacks

Fig. 1: Fireback of 1625 with the arms of Pope, and a casting excrescence top right
Fig. 2: Fireback c1547 with Tudor royal arms and the stub of a casting runner bottom left

Firebacks, Stove-plates and Taques de foyer

Fig. 3: German stove-plate of 1574, illustrating the Crucifixion
Fig. 4: Lothringian armorial taque de foyer 1623
Fig. 5: A free-standing fireback c17th century

A rare and unusual form of English fireback is a free-standing type which incorporates two forward-facing ‘wings’, one on each side and perpendicular to the main panel, which widen towards the base to provide stability. The intention of these small firebacks would seem to be to provide a heat-reflective backing for a fire located in an otherwise open location, where a suitable surface such as a wall was not available. Three of the four examples that have been noted are decorated with a tree or plant motif, and two have inscriptions though these are no longer legible. While not identical in other respects, the same three are surmounted by panels decorated with a crown between two animals, possibly a lion and unicorn (Fig. 5).

Fig. 8: Fireback of 1606 with the arms of Sir Edward Francis, Seneschal of the Petworth Estate
Fig. 7: Fireback of 1622 with the initials and coronet of Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland
Fig. 6: Fireback of 1608 decorated with a cabled anchor and fauns
Fig. 9: One of the firebacks cast by Richard Ford for Boughton House in 1743-8
Fig. 10: Fireback with the shield and crest of William Fowle
Fig. 11: Fireback of 1702 with the arms of Susanna May
Fig. 12: Fireback of 1649 illustrating the New Testament story of St Paul in Malta, with the pattern-maker’s initials IM
Fig. 13: Fireback of 1776 at Scotney Castle

Fig. 14: Fireback dated 1582 with the memorial inscription of Richard Graye, rector of Withyham
Fig. 15: Fireback with the memorial inscription of Anne Forster of Crowhurst
Fig. 16: Fireback of 1548 with the Tudor royal arms, probably of continental design
Fig. 17: 16th century Fireback in the continental style with the Tudor royal arms; the initials are probably those of the pattern-maker
Fig. 18: Fireback of 1553 with the arms of Edward VI and the inscription MOLLAND
Fig. 19: Fireback of 1758 with the initials of John Mears Fagg of Herstmonceux, cast by Thomas Cavie at Heathfield Furnace
Fig. 20: Fireback of 1582 with initials of the founder, IA, and inscription for William and Elizabeth Brown
Fig. 21: Fireback of 1612 with the arms of William Ayloffe and his wife, and the initials of the founder, Charles Tyler
Fig. 22: Fireback of 1703 with decoration linked to the tobacco trade, and initials of the founder, IB
Fig. 23: Fireback of 1813 cast by William Rummins at Ashburnham Furnace
Fig. 24: Fireback of 1667 cast in the Siegerland for the Dutch market, portraying the Annunciation
Fig. 25: English fireback showing Venus in a chariot with doves
Fig. 26: Jacobean fireback with Tudor royal arms, at Blanchland, Northumberland
Fig. 27: Fireback of 1618 with the arms of James I
Fig. 28: Fireback with Tudor royal arms said to have been given to Sir William Godolphin
Fig. 29: Copy of a fireback of 1588 alleged to have been given to John Knight of Chawton
Fig. 30: Copy of a late Tudor or early Stuart fireback showing Protestant martyrs, adapted from an illustration in The Actes and Monuments by John Foxe (1563)


  1. R. Lister, Decorative Cast Ironwork in Great Britain (London, G. Bell & Sons, 1960) 28-9.[]
  2. J. Hodgkinson, The Wealden Iron Industry (Stroud, Tempus, 2008).[]
  3. J. Lucas, A Topographical Description of the Parish of Warton [etc.] (published by the author, 1744).[]
  4. D. Martin and B. Martin, Historic Buildings in Eastern Sussex, no. 1 (Robertsbridge, Rape of Hastings Architectural Survey, 1977), 20-4.[]
  5. Kent History and Library Centre, Maidstone, U455/E1.[]
  6. K. Osborne, Illuminating the Chorus in the Shadows: Elizabethan and Jacobean Exeter 1550-1610, unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Exeter, 2016.[]
  7. M. Reed (ed.), Ipswich Probate Inventories 1583-1631 (Ipswich, Suffolk Records Society, 22, 1981).[]
  8. P. Bracher (ed.), Transcriptions of the Probate Inventories of Crawley, Ifield and Worth in the County of Sussex (Crawley History Group unpublished typescript, 1990).[]
  9. Ledbury Wills and Inventories 1662-1700 (VCH Explore)[]
  10. E. Roberts and K. Parker, Southampton Probate Inventories 1447-1575 (Southampton University Press, Southampton Records Series, 34, 1992), 91.[]
  11. M. Howard and E. Wilson, The Vyne: a Tudor House Revealed (London, The National Trust, 2003), 150.[]
  12. E. M. Bell-Irving, Mayfield: the story of a Wealden village (London, William Clowes, 1903), pp. 177-9.[]
  13. G. R. Batho (ed.), The Household Papers of Henry Percy, ninth Earl of Northumberland, 1564-1632, London, Royal Historical Society, Camden Third Series, 93 (1962), 112-124.[]
  14. G. Isham, ‘Adam Baynes of Leeds and Holdenby, Soldier, Politician, Justice of the Peace, Land Speculator, Demolition Contractor and Prisoner in the Tower’, Northamptonshire Past and Present23 (1956), 139-40.[]
  15. A. Fell, The Early Iron Industry of Furness and District (Ulverston, Hume Kitchin, 1908), 35.[]
  16. Boughton House Archives, BN3.6, Box X8701B.[][]
  17. Z. E. P. Hudson, Locations, Networks and Cycles: Studying the Everyday Life of Richard Stonley (1520-1600), unpublished PhD thesis, University of Kent, 2017, 105.[]
  18. M. Christy, ‘The Old Flat Hearth and its Appliances, III – The Fire-back’, The Crown, The Court and County Families’ Newspaper, XCIX, Vol. 8, No. 9 (30 May 1908), 384.[]
  19. East Sussex Record Office, PBT 1/1/1/190D and /187A.[]
  20. The National Archives, PROB 11/41/27.[]
  21. R. Garraway Rice, Transcripts of Sussex Wills – Vol. II, Chiddingly to Horsham (Lewes, Sussex Record Society vol. 42, 1938), 265.[]
  22. The National Archives, PROB 11/82/27.[]
  23. The National Archives, PROB 11/230/88.[]
  24. The National Archives, PROB 11/227/265.[]
  25. J. J. Muskett, Suffolk Manorial Families vol. 2 (Exeter, the author, 1908), 92.[]
  26. Gloucester Archives, Gloucester, GDR/18/8/1696/17.[]
  27. R. M. Willatts, Catalogue of Pre-Industrial Revolution Iron Graveslabs in England (1987, rev. J. S. Hodgkinson 2021)[]
  28. R. M. Willatts, ‘Iron Graveslabs: A Sideline of the Early Iron Industry,’ Sussex Archaeological Collections125 (1987), 103.[]
  29. J. S. Hodgkinson, ‘A Seventeenth-Century Sussex Woodcarver: the Evidence of Cast Ironwork’, Regional Furniture28 (2014), 39-48.[]
  30. J. Hodgkinson, ‘The Anne Forster Firebacks’, Surrey Archaeological Collections101 (2018), 99-114.[]
  31. Henry Bush, Bristol Town Duties A Collection of Original and Interesting Documents [Etc.] (Bristol, 1828), pp. 43-83.[]
  32. M. S. Giuseppi, ‘The accounts of the Iron-works at Sheffield and Worth in Sussex, 1546-1549,’ Archaeological Journal69 (1912), 300.[]
  33. H. R. Schubert, ‘A Famous English Fireback of 1548,’ Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute176 (1954), 36.[]
  34. H. Carpentier, Plaques de Cheminées (Paris, published by the author, 1912), 418.[]
  35. S. Theisen, Der Eifeler Eisenkunstguss im 15 und 16 Jarhundert (Köln, Rheinland-Verlag, 1973), pl. 169; H. Carpentier, Plaques de Cheminées (Paris, published by the author, 1912), 414.[]
  36. W. Llewellin, ‘Sussex Ironmasters in Glamorganshire,’ Archaeologia Cambrensis, 3rd ser., 9 (1863), 90.[]
  37. A. Kippenberger, Die Kunst der Ofenplatten (Düsseldorf, Verlag Stahleisen, 1973), 3.[]
  38. E. Roberts and K. Parker, Southampton Probate Inventories 1447-1575 (Southampton University Press, Southampton Records Series, 34, 1992), 250.[]
  39. B. Dietz, The Port and Trade of Early Elizabethan London: Documents (London Record Society vol. 8, 1972).[]
  40. P. Williams, The Trading Community of Exeter 1470-1570 with special reference to Merchants and Tailors, PhD thesis, University of Exeter, 2020, 104.[]
  41. [W. C.] Ford, ‘Winthrop in the London Port Books’, Proc. Massachusetts Hist. Soc.14 (1914), 180.[]
  42. W. Fitzhugh, ‘Letters of William Fitzhugh’, The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography13 (Jan 1894), 271.[]
  43. F. W. Camfield, ‘The Maritime Trade of Southampton in the Seventeenth Century’, Papers and Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society52 (1906), 144.[]
  44. A. C. Jones and C. J. Harrison, ‘The Cannock Chase Ironworks, 1590,’ English Historical Review93368 (July 1978), 805.[]
  45. T. Pennant, A tour in Scotland, and voyage to the Hebrides MDCCLXXII (Chester, John Monk, 1774), 332.[]
  46. The National Archives, SP 16/256, f.142.[]
  47. The National Archives, SP 16/306 ff.180-1.[]
  48. The National Archives, SP 16/264, f.154.[]
  49. The National Archives, SP 16/429, f.156.[]
  50. D. Diderot and J. d’Alembert, Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers, Vol. 21, 11 (1765), 21.[]
  51. C. Hart, The Industrial History of Dean (Newton Abbott, David & Charles, 1971), 19.[]
  52. Herefordshire Archives, Hereford, E12/VI/DEf/7 and  13; DFf/1, Foley Partnership Iron Ironworks Accounts.[]
  53. R. Bird, (ed.), Journal of Giles Moore (Lewes, Sussex Record Soc., 68, 1971), 24-5.[]
  54. H. R. Schubert, History of the British Iron and Steel Industry (London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957), 246.[]
  55. P. Marshall, ‘The Diary of Sir James Hope, 1646,’ Miscellany vol. 9, Scottish History Society, 3rd ser., 50 (1958), 149.[]
  56. P. Riden (ed.), George Sitwell’s Letterbook 1662-66 (Chesterfield, Derbyshire Record Society 10, 1985), 235.[]
  57. Herefordshire Archives, Hereford, E12/VI/DFf/2, 4, 7, 9-11.[]
  58. Norfolk Record Office, NRS 20669, Account book of William Folkes of Hillington, esq., to the Duke of Montagu.[]
  59. J. S. Hodgkinson, ‘Notes on early 18th-century memoranda on the making of iron’, Wealden Iron, Bulletin of the Wealden Iron Research Group, 2nd ser., 15 (1995), 13-14.[]
  60. British Library, Add Ms 33154, f.144v.[]
  61. East Sussex Record Office, Brighton, SAS-RF/15/3/35 p.22.[]
  62. M. A. Lower, ‘Iron Works of the County of Sussex,’ Sussex Archaeological Collections2 (1849), 217; E. Straker, Wealden Iron (London, Bell, 1931), 418.[]
  63. H. S. Cowper, ‘A Series of Kentish Heraldic Firebacks and the Identification of the Arms’, Archaeologia Cantiana29 (1911), 40-6.[]
  64. J. S. Hodgkinson, ‘A series of Kentish firebacks and the possible identification of their founder’, Archaeologia Cantiana139 (2018), 312-15.[]
  65. R. F. Whistler, ‘Penhurst: being some account of its Iron Works, Manor House, Church, etc.,’ Sussex Archaeological Collections36 (1888), 3.[]
  66. K. Osborne, Illuminating the Chorus in the Shadows: Elizabethan and Jacobean Exeter 1550-1610, unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Exeter, 2016, 731.[]
  67. G. R. Sitwell, ‘A Picture of the Iron trade (in the Seventeenth century),’ Derbyshire Archaeological Journal10 (1888), 37-8; P. Riden (ed.), George Sitwell’s Letterbook 1662-66 (Chesterfield, Derbyshire Record Society 10, 1985).[]
  68. Gloucestershire Archives, MF/216, Foley Partnership Accounts.[]
  69. D. Crossley and R. Saville (eds.) The Fuller Letters 1728-1755 (Lewes, Sussex Record Society, 76, 139.[]
  70. J. C. Watson, Scottish Overseas Trade 1597-1645, Vol. 2, Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2003, 26, 40.[]
  71. 26 Jun 1657, c.19 & 20, Additional Act for the improvement of the Excise or New Impost.[]
  72. 12 Charles II c.4, Subsidy Act 1660.[]
  73. 2 William and Mary c.4, Taxation Act 1690.[]
  74. J. Houghton, A Collection, for improvement of Husbandry and trade (London, Randall Taylor et al) , 10 Sep 1697.[]
  75. The General Remark on Trade, no. 219, 18-21 Jul 1707.[]
  76. ‘Hull, 1700-1835’, in K. J. Allison (ed.), A History of the County of York East Riding: Volume 1, the City of Kingston Upon Hull (London, 1969).[]
  77. Post Boy, 11-16 Nov 1699.[]
  78. Post Man and the Historic Account, 24-26 Dec 1700.[]
  79. J. Hodgkinson, ‘Church Armorials and Firebacks: Evidence of an Early 17th-Century Woodcarver’, Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society135 (2017), 213-23.[]
  80. see John Knight’s fireback[]
  81. W. Wilkins, ‘Sepulchral Monuments at Norwich’ etc., Gentleman’s Magazine (December 1788), 1046.[]
  82. St James’s Chronicle, or the British Evening Post, 7-9 Aug 1788.[]
  83. M. A. Lower, ‘Iron Works of the County of Sussex,’ Sussex Archaeological Collections2 (1849), facing pp. 188, 189 and 217.[]
  84. W. Llewellin, ‘Sussex Ironmasters in Glamorganshire,’ Archaeologia Cambrensis, 3rd ser., 9 (1863), 89-91.[]
  85. J. S. Gardner, ‘Iron Casting in the Weald’, Archaeologia561 (1898), 139-62[]
  86. John Starkie Gardner Collection, Victoria & Albert Museum, Archive of Art and Design (AAD/2014/8).[]
  87. J. S. Gardner, Ironwork, Part III (London, HMSO, 1922), 158-68.[]
  88. M. Christy, ‘The Old Flat Hearth and its Appliances, III – The Fire-back’, The Crown, The Court and County Families’ Newspaper, XCIX, Vol. 8, No. 9 (30 May 1908), 383-6.[]
  89. W. R. Butterfield, ‘Old Wealden Firebacks,’ The Connoisseur46 (1916), 197-209.[]
  90. E. Straker, Wealden Iron (London, Bell, 1931), 168-74.[]
  91. J. M. Baines, Bygones 3: Wealden Firebacks (Hastings Museum, 1938) and Wealden Firebacks (Hastings Museum 1958).[]
  92. H. R. Schubert, History of the British Iron and Steel Industry (London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957), 256-64.[]
  93. K. von den Driesch, Handbuch der Ofen-, Kamin- und Takenplatten im Rheinland (Köln, Rheinland-Verlag, 1990).[]
  94. H. Carpentier, Plaques de Cheminées (Paris, published by the author, 1912), 419.[]
  95. P. Palasi, Plaques de Cheminées Héraldiques (Paris, Gourcuff-Gradenigo, 2014).[]
  96. A. Nygård-Nilssen, Norsk Jernskulptur (Oslo, Cappelens Forlag, 1944).[]
  97. H. C. Mercer, The Bible in Iron (Doylestown PA, Bucks County Historical Society, 1914, 3rd ed. 1961).[]