Description: Canted rectangle; moulded fillet edging (top and sides); top line, 'daisy' plant stamp repeated three times, spaced evenly, with 'SOWLY' in a block, a ducal coronet above, between the left two, and '1721' in individual numerals, a ducal coronet above, between the right two; a swirling foliage stamp repeated down each side, a 'daisy' plant below each; initials 'I' and 'B' separately in bottom corners.
Notes: Sowley was the iron furnace in Hampshire owned in 1721 by the 2nd duke of Montagu, whose coronet is seen in the decoration, and operated by John White of Monmouth. The swirled foliage stamp is seen on other firebacks identified by the letters 'IB' between 1703 and 1721, probably indicating the same founder.
Inscription: SOWLY 1721 / I B
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular with canted top corners (shape)
- moulded fillet (edging)
- carved stamps
- individual numbers
- heraldic
- text
- plants
Manufactured: in 1721 at Sowley Furnace, Beaulieu in the New Forest area of England.
Current location: Palace House, Beaulieu, Hampshire, England.
- Attached to series:
- IB series
Description: Rectangular; moulded fillet edging (top and sides); left justified text in upper case, in two lines: Tunc bonus est ignis cum pendet stiria tignis (Then fire is good when icicles hang from the eaves); below left, 'SOWLY' in a block; below right, '1721' in individual numerals; a swirling foliage stamp repeated down each side; initials 'I' and 'B' separately in bottom corners.
Notes: The source of the inscription is 'A Dictionarie in English and Latine for Children' by William Clark (London, Thomas Purfoot, 1602), p. 13. Sowley was the iron furnace in Hampshire owned in 1721 by the 2nd duke of Montagu and operated by John White of Monmouth. The swirled foliage stamp is seen on other firebacks identified by the letters 'IB' between 1703 and 1721, probably indicating the same founder.
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular (shape)
- moulded fillet (edging)
- carved stamps
- individual numbers
- heraldic
- text
- plants
Manufactured: in 1721 at Sowley Furnace, Beaulieu in the New Forest area of England.
Current location: Palace House, Beaulieu, Hampshire, England.
- Attached to series:
- IB series
Description: Canted rectangle; cavetto moulded edging (top and sides); single horizontal fillet below canted corners and vertical fillet parallel to each side, dividing the fireback into two side panels, two top corner panels, top panel and main central panel; corner panels, ‘daisy’ plant stamp; top panel, date between ‘daisy’ stamps, between initials in triad at each end; side panels, swirling foliage stamp repeated each side above initials, I to left, B to right; centre panel, stamp of ‘Indian’ smoking a pipe at top left, stamp of seated ‘gentleman’ smoking a pipe and holding another, at top right.
Notes: The 'daisy' stamp and the IB initials are identical to those on similar firebacks dated between 1703 and 1721, and probably indicating the same founder. The use of stamps relating to tobacco smoking may suggest an origin near Bristol, the main entry port for the tobacco trade at that time. Formerly at Lilly Hall, Ledbury, Herefordshire.
Inscription: TVI [triad] 1708 TVI [triad] / I B
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular with canted top corners (shape)
- cavetto (edging)
- carved stamps
- individual letters
- individual numbers
- text
- humans
- plants
Manufactured: in 1708 in the Forest of Dean area of England.
Current location: National History Museum, St Fagans, Glamorgan, Wales.
Museum number: 13.90/2 (part of the Welsh National History Museum museum group)
- Attached to series:
- IB series
- Date & initials firebacks
Description: Canted rectangle; cavetto moulded edging (top and sides); single horizontal fillet below canted corners and vertical fillet parallel to each side, dividing the fireback into two side panels, two top corner panels, top panel and main central panel; ‘daisy’ plant stamp in top corners, and at outer end of top panel enclosing two, opposite facing, lion passant stamps with date between; swirling foliage stamp repeated in each side panel above initial, I to left, B to right; stamp of ‘Indian’ smoking a pipe in top left of central panel, stamp of seated ‘gentleman’ smoking a pipe and holding another, at top right.
Notes: The 'daisy' stamp and the IB initials are identical to those on similar firebacks dated between 1703 and 1721, and probably indicating the same founder. The use of stamps relating to tobacco smoking may suggest an origin near Bristol, the main entry port for the tobacco trade at that time. Lent to Dyrham Park by the late John Workman OBE, of Sheepscombe, Gloucs. in 1963, and given in 1996.
Inscription: 1708 / I B
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular with canted top corners (shape)
- cavetto (edging)
- carved stamps
- individual numbers
- heraldic
- text
- animals
- humans
- plants
Manufactured: in 1708 in the Forest of Dean area of England.
Current location: Dyrham Park, Dyrham, Gloucestershire, England.
Museum number: 453259 (part of the National Trust museum group)
- Attached to series:
- IB series
- Date & initials firebacks
Description: Canted rectangle; cavetto-moulded edging (top and sides); single horizontal fillet below canted corners and vertical fillet parallel to each side, dividing the fireback into two side panels, two top corner panels, top panel and main central panel; corner panels, ‘daisy’ plant stamp; top panel, date between ‘daisy’ stamps, between initials in triad at each end; side panels, swirling foliage stamp repeated each side above a fleur-de-lys; centre panel, stamp of ‘Indian’ smoking a pipe at top left, stamp of seated ‘gentleman’ smoking a pipe and holding another, at top right; below each, a lion passant stamp, facing right on the left and facing left on the right; initials IB in bottom corners of centre panel.
Notes: The 'daisy' stamp is identical to those on similar firebacks dated between 1703 and 1721, and probably indicating the same founder whose initials IB are at the bottom; the use of stamps relating to tobacco smoking may suggest an origin near Bristol, the main entry port for the tobacco trade at that time. Previously noted at Little Faringdon House, near Lechlade. Bishop & Miller auction, Stowmarket, Suffolk, 25 May 2022, lot 293 (ns).
Inscription: TME [triad] 1706 TME [triad] / I B
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular with canted top corners (shape)
- cavetto (edging)
- carved stamps
- individual letters
- individual numbers
- heraldic
- text
- animals
- humans
- plants
Manufactured: in 1706 in the Forest of Dean area of England.
Current location: not known.
- Attached to series:
- IB series
- Date & initials firebacks
Description: Canted rectangle; cavetto-moulded edging (top and sides); single horizontal fillet below canted corners and vertical fillet parallel to each side, dividing the fireback into two side panels, two top corner panels, top panel and main central panel; corner panels, ‘daisy’ plant stamp; top panel, central initials between split date, separated by 'daisy' stamps; side panels, swirling foliage stamp repeated each side, initial at bottom of panel: I to the left, B to the right.
Notes: The 'daisy' stamp and IB initials are identical to those on similar firebacks dated to between 1703 and 1721, probably indicating the same founder. Christie's Interiors - Masters & Makers (Sale 5462), South Kensington, London, 8 July 2014, lot 126 (£688).
Inscription: 17 IS 07 / I B
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular with canted top corners (shape)
- cavetto (edging)
- carved stamps
- individual letters
- individual numbers
- text
- plants
Manufactured: in 1707 in the Forest of Dean area of England.
Current location: not known.
- Attached to series:
- IB series
- Date & initials firebacks
Description: Canted rectangle; cavetto moulded edging (top and sides); single horizontal fillet below canted corners and vertical fillet parallel to each side, dividing the fireback into two side panels, two top corner panels, top panel and main central panel; corner panels, ‘daisy’ plant stamp; top panel, date between ‘daisy’ stamps, between initials in triad at each end; side panels, swirling foliage stamp repeated each side above a fleur-de-lys, above initial 'I' on left and 'B' on right; centre panel, stamp of ‘Indian’ smoking a pipe at top left, stamp of seated ‘gentleman’ smoking a pipe and holding another, at top right; below each, a seated monkey stamp, that on the left seated facing right, its paws in front of it and its tail below, that on the right seated facing left, its tail drawn across its chest.
Notes: The IB initials are identical to those on similar firebacks dated between 1703 and 1721, probably indicating the same founder. The number 3 of the date and the fleur-de-lys on the lower left side have been over-pressed showing the backs of the stamps. The use of stamps relating to tobacco smoking may suggest an origin near Bristol, the main entry port for the tobacco trade at that time.
Inscription: IES [triad] 1703 IES [triad] / I B
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular with canted top corners (shape)
- fillet (edging)
- carved stamps
- heraldic
- text
- animals
- humans
- plants
Manufactured: in 1703 in the Forest of Dean area of England.
Current location: Greys Court, Rotherfield Greys, Oxfordshire, England.
Museum number: 196857 (part of the National Trust museum group)
- Attached to series:
- IB series
- Date & initials firebacks
Description: Canted rectangle; cavetto-moulded edging; single horizontal ?rope strip below canted corners and vertical ?rope strip parallel to each side, dividing the fireback into two side panels, two top corner panels, top panel and main central panel; top corner panels, a plant stamp repeated in each; top panel, date between repeated plant stamp; side panels, fleur-de-lys stamp repeated twice on each side in a vertical arrangement, a single plant stamp below, above one initial on each side; central panel plain.
Notes: The 'daisy' stamp, fleurs de lys and the IB initials are identical to those on similar firebacks dated between 1703 and 1721, and probably indicating the same founder. Illustration from Shuffrey 1912, p.139.
Inscription: 1710 / I B
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular with canted top corners (shape)
- cavetto (edging)
- carved stamps
- individual letters
- individual numbers
- heraldic
- text
- plants
Manufactured: in 1710 in the Forest of Dean area of England.
Current location: not known.
Citation: Shuffrey, L. A., 1912, The English Fireplace, London, Batsford.
- Attached to series:
- IB series
Description: Canted rectangle; cavetto moulded edging (top and sides); single horizontal fillet below canted corners and vertical fillet parallel to each side, dividing the fireback into two side panels, two top corner panels, top panel and main central panel; corner panels, lion passant stamp, left facing in right corner, right facing in left corner; top panel, date between fleurs-de-lys; side panels, suspended vine stamp repeated each side; centre panel, flower stamp in each top corner.
Notes: The lion stamps and design elements (canted shape, vertical and horizontal divisions) are identical to those on similar firebacks dated to the first decade of the 18th century, and indicate a common source.
Inscription: 1699
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular with canted top corners (shape)
- cavetto (edging)
- carved stamps
- individual numbers
- heraldic
- text
- animals
- plants
Manufactured: in 1699 in the Forest of Dean area of England.
Current location: not known.
- Attached to series:
- IB series
- Date only firebacks
Description: Canted rectangular shape with inclined sides; cavetto-moulded edging (top and sides); horizontal fillet parallel to the top edge divided by two further fillets, in the centre the initials in capitals in triad, and at each end a lion rampant stamp facing inwards and inclined upwards towards the centre; below the lions, two inclined vertical fillets, parallel to the sides of the plate, each enclosing down the sides a double fleur-de-lys stamp and a flowerhead stamp repeated twice on each side and arranged alternately; in the panel below the initials, two different animal figures of indeterminate type, possibly monkeys.
Notes: The rampant lion, double fleur and flowerhead stamps have all been noted on other firebacks in a series identified on most backs with the initials I and B at the base of the plate. The initials are not present on this casting although the inclusion of I and B in the triad at the top could suggest that this fireback was personal to the founder and his wife. Of note are the impressions of the lions which overstamp the fillet below, indicating that they were placed after the fillet. Unlike the other backs in this series this example is undated. Wincanton Auctions, 24 Oct 2024, lot 540 (£35).
Inscription: IBE [triad]
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular with canted top corners (shape)
- cavetto (edging)
- carved stamps
- individual letters
- heraldic
- text
- animals
- plants
Manufactured: in the late-17th to early-18th century in the Forest of Dean area of England.
Current location: in private hands, Crawley, West Sussex, England.
- Attached to series:
- IB series