Description: Rectangular with ovolo-moulded edging; elaborate symmetrical rococo design framing a pictorial representation of an old man and two young women.
Notes: Carpentier (p.116) ascribes this design to Fontaine's fable of Les Oies de frere Philippe - Brother Philip's Geese.
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular (shape)
- ovolo (edging)
- whole carved pattern
- planklines
- pictorial
- allegorical
- humans
Manufactured: in the 18th century in France.
Current location: Mark Ripley Forge & Fireplaces, Northbridge Street, Robertsbridge, East Sussex, England.
Citation: Carpentier, H., 1912, Plaques de Cheminées (Paris, published by the author).
- Attached to series:
- Miscellaneous pattern firebacks