Description: Upon a rectangular base plinth with an inscribed rectangle, to each side, a wide foliate scroll; central cartouche behind an oval shield bearing three fleurs-de-lys over a horizontally textured ground, supported on each side by a draped male figure, the whole surmounted by a French royal crown; on top, an arch rising from horizontal moulding on each side.
Notes: Characteristic of designs illustrated by architects such as Daniel Marot; the texturing on the shield indicates the azure tincture.
Arms: French royal
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular with round arch (shape)
- complex individual (edging)
- whole carved pattern
- planklines
- armorial
- royal
Manufactured: in the late-17th to early-18th century in France.
Current location: in private hands, Lewes, East Sussex, England.
- Attached to series:
- Foreign armorial firebacks