Description: Canted rectangle; ovolo-moulded edging (top and sides); from top: double star stamp repeated four times; date between two triads of the same initials, the 'Y' and the 'N' reversed; stylised fleur-de-lys below each pair of initials, with a large hollow fleur-de-lys in the centre.
Notes: The initials 'NYM' in triad probably relate to a couple whose surname initial was 'Y'; a fireback, dated 1659, with some of the same stamps is at the Dean Heritage Centre, Soudley, Gloucestershire, and another, dated 1667, has been noted at Upper End Farm, Hope Mansell, Herefordshire. Christie's auction, 24 May 2001.
Inscription: NYM [triad] 1669 NYM [triad]
- Decoration tags:
- canted rectangular (shape)
- ovolo (edging)
- carved stamps
- individual letters
- individual numbers
- heraldic
- text
Manufactured: in 1669 in the Forest of Dean area of England.
Current location: not known.
- Attached to series:
- Date & initials firebacks
- Hollow fleur Dean series
- Newent area group
Description: Rectangular; cavetto-moulded edging; [?]fillet frame parallel with edging; on top, central date between two groups of initials in triad, with six 'daisy heads' above; on each side, vertical line of at least four squared cross stamps; inside frame, four fleurs-de-lys between two oval 'buttons' on a rectangular base at least five 'daisy heads' in a vertical line on each side.
Notes: A significant fireback, it comprises decorative stamps from at least three series of firebacks produced in the Forest of Dean area, linking their production to the same (unidentified) ironworks. The attached grate is of late-19th/early-20th century construction. The same fireback (or a copy thereof), without the attached grate, was illustrated in catalogues issued c1910-21 by Arthur Todhunter of 101, Park Avenue, New York. Leland Little auction, Hillsborough, North Carolina, 3 Mar 2018, lot 260, $400.
Inscription: THM [triad] 1669 THM [triad]
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular (shape)
- cavetto (edging)
- carved stamps
- individual letters
- individual numbers
- heraldic
- text
- objects
Manufactured: in 1669 in the Forest of Dean area of England.
Current location: not known.
Description: Rectangular; ovolo-moulded edging (top and sides); date between split initials across upper half of plate; two notches cut away for insertion of firedogs.
Notes: The ‘6s’ appear to have been moulded from a type of jemmy.
Inscription: g 1669 P [reversed]
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular (shape)
- ovolo (edging)
- simple stamps
- carved stamps
- individual letters
- individual numbers
- text
- objects
Manufactured: in 1669 possibly in the Weald area of England.
Current location: George & Dragon Inn, Speldhurst Hill, Speldhurst, Kent, England.