

19 results

  1. 703

    tiverton_castle 03.jpg
    838 x 675 mm

    Description: Rectangular; cavetto moulded edging; pictorial scene of the siege of Bethulia, with Judith placing the severed head of Holofernes into the bag held by her maid; in the lower panel are the top parts of four knightly figures.

    Notes: The design is after one by the pattern-maker, Philipp Soldan, and derived from a woodcut of an engraving by Israhel van Meckenhem; it illustrates scenes from the Apocryphal book of Judith.

    Manufactured: in the late-16th century in the Eifel area of Germany.

    Current location: Tiverton Castle, Tiverton, Devon, England.

    Citation: Driesch, K. von den , 1990, Handbuch der Ofen-, Kamin- und Takenplatten im Rheinland (Cologne, Rheinland-Verlag).

  2. 705

    tiverton_castle 05.jpg
    528 x 670 mm

    Description: Stove side plate; cavetto moulded edging; upper panel, Ionic column and pedestal to left; six courtly scenes separated by arches and columns; lower panel, two circular frames, each with a figure, male to the left, female to the right, decorative scroll work between.

    Notes: Possibly a graphic retelling of the parable of the Unjust Steward (Luke 16: 1-13)

    Inscription: [illegible]

    Manufactured: in the late-16th to early-17th century possibly in the Eifel area of Germany.

    Current location: Tiverton Castle, Tiverton, Devon, England.

  3. 729

    920 x 610 mm

    Description: Rectangular; flanged edge; central pictorial panel illustrating Mordecai arriving before King Ahasuerus, Haman hanging from the gallows behind; two floral side panels, at the top of each a monogram within a cartouche: on the left KS, on the right H?D; plain extension panel at bottom.

    Notes: Stoveplate; the scene illustrates a scene from Esther 7: 10 and 8: 1.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: KS H[?]D

    Manufactured: in the late-16th to early-17th century possibly in the Eifel area of Germany.

    Current location: Victoria & Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, Kensington & Chelsea, Greater London, England.

    Museum number: M.112-1953 (part of the Victoria & Albert Museum museum group)

  4. 730

    530 x 800 mm

    Description: Rectangular; flanged fillet edging; single date stampo above a pictorial scene showing the cricifixion with members of the Holy family, soldiers and onllokers surrounding the three crosses; kinscription betlow separating a separate pictorial panel illegible through corrosion; a single letter 'I' in top right corner.

    Notes: A characteristic stove-plate of the period.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: 1574 I / INRI / MATTEUS AM 27 CAPITEL

    Manufactured: in 1574 possibly in the Sudeifel area of Germany.

    Current location: Victoria & Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, Kensington & Chelsea, Greater London, England.

    Museum number: M.126-1914 (part of the Victoria & Albert Museum museum group)

    Citation: Anon., 2 Dec 1905, 'Old Kent and Sussex Fire-backs', Country Life, pp. 767-768.

    Citation: Driesch, K. von den , 1990, Handbuch der Ofen-, Kamin- und Takenplatten im Rheinland (Cologne, Rheinland-Verlag).

    Citation: Hodgkinson, J. S., 2010, British Cast-Iron Firebacks of the 16th to Mid-18th Centuries (Crawley, Hodgers Books).

  5. 731

    700 x 430 mm

    Description: Rectangular with flanged edging and a moulded frame; pictorial scene of the Marriage at Cana in an architectural setting; inscription along bottom edge.

    Notes: The pattern-maker is believed to be Master Ronnung.


    Manufactured: in the late-16th century possibly in the Harz area of Germany.

    Current location: Victoria & Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, Kensington & Chelsea, Greater London, England.

    Museum number: 319.1897 (part of the Victoria & Albert Museum museum group)

    Citation: Dawson, C., 1903, 'Sussex Iron Work and Pottery', Sussex Archaeological Collections, 46, pp. 1-54.

    Citation: Gardner, J. S., 1898, 'Iron Casting in the Weald', Archaeologia, 56, 1, pp. 133-164.

  6. 745

    530 x 1160 mm

    Description: Rectangular; flanged edging; two panels, each with fillet edging; upper panel, two shields, each with helm and crest, between narrow twisted columns, with tracery above and a twisted horizontal pole on top; lower panel, same shields and twisted columns with a crossed vine design above and the same pole on top.

    Notes: Probably arms of locksmiths' and masons' guilds.

    Manufactured: in the mid- to late-16th century in Germany.

    Current location: Victoria & Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, Kensington & Chelsea, Greater London, England.

    Museum number: M.12-1940 (part of the Victoria & Albert Museum museum group)

  7. 754

    540 x 745 mm

    Description: Rectangular; flanged edging; two panels at top, each with double astragal edging, containing the figures of St James and St Peter; plain panel below with same dging; bottom panel with fillet edging containing carved stamps of scrolled foliage and beasts.

    Notes: Carved religious figures are common on stove-plates.

    Manufactured: in the mid- to late-16th century possibly in the Eifel area of Germany.

    Current location: Victoria & Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, Kensington & Chelsea, Greater London, England.

    Museum number: M.334-1940 (part of the Victoria & Albert Museum museum group)

  8. 776

    470 x 540 mm

    Description: Stove-plate; poss. fragment; rectangular; flanged edging on top and sides; pictorial scene illustrating the biblical tale of Joshua and the five kings.

    Notes: Joshua 10.

    Manufactured: in the mid- to late-16th century possibly in the Eifel area of Germany.

    Current location: Victoria & Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, Kensington & Chelsea, Greater London, England.

    Museum number: 289.1923 (part of the Victoria & Albert Museum museum group)

  9. 777

    400 x 600 mm

    Description: Rectangular; cavetto-moulding within a flanged edge; floriate arch above a female figure with a child in her left arm and another by her right side, initials split by the group; below a simulated rope-twist fillet, elaborate floriate cartouche containing the word, CHARITAS.

    Notes: A late stove-plate, illustrated in von den Driesch p.484.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: G S / CHARITAS

    Manufactured: in the late-17th century in the Siegerland area of Germany.

    Current location: Victoria & Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, Kensington & Chelsea, Greater London, England.

    Museum number: 890.1901 (part of the Victoria & Albert Museum museum group)

    Citation: Driesch, K. von den , 1990, Handbuch der Ofen-, Kamin- und Takenplatten im Rheinland (Cologne, Rheinland-Verlag).