Description: Arched rectangular shaped central panel, bead-and-pellet edging, semi-naked male figure, wearing a floral head-dress and carrying a basket of produce, initials in top corners; arched rectangular shaped border, fillet edging, symmetrical festoons of foliage, floral scrolls at base, date in an oval cartouche; on top, two putti, two dolphins and scrolled foliage, all symmetrical.
Notes: An allegory of Spring, based closely on an engraving, dated 1600, by Hendrik Goltzius (1558-1617); one of a series of large firebacks of similar date, all bearing the initials, GK.
Copies of this fireback are known.
Inscription: G K / 1700
- Decoration tags:
- 'Dutch' (shape)
- fillet (edging)
- whole carved pattern
- individual letters
- date stamp
- pictorial
- allegorical
- text
- humans
Manufactured: in 1700 possibly in the Siegerland area of Germany.
Current location: Guildford Museum, Guildford, Surrey, England.
Museum number: S,7111 (part of the Guildford Museum museum group)
Citation: Pesch, D., 1982, Herdgussplatten (Rheinland-Verlag, Koln).
- Attached to series:
- 'Dutch' GK series
Description: Arched rectangular shaped central panel with bead-and-pellet edging; figure of Abraham, a scimitar in his raised right hand, which is being restrained by an angel emerging from a cloud; Isaac is kneeling to Abraham's left and a ram is caught in a bush to the left of the plate; the initials are in the top corners; arched rectangular shaped border with fillet edging, and swags of leaves suspended from flowers; on top, symmetrical foliate swirls.
Notes: The design is an adaptation of an engraving by Adriaen Collaert (1555-1623) of a painting by Maarten de Vos (1532-1603), Plate 5 of The Story of Abraham. In the 'Thesaurus sacrarum historiarum veteris testamenti', published in Antwerp by Gerard de Jode (1509-1591) in 1579, 1585 and, subsequently, by Visscher in 1589. One of a small group of firebacks, all of similar shape, some with biblical designs, others mythological, all dated around 1700 and bearing the letters GK. Formerly part of the Ade Collection (from Grove Hill, Hellingly, Sussex).
Copies of this fireback are known.
Inscription: G K / 1700
- Decoration tags:
- 'Dutch' (shape)
- fillet (edging)
- whole carved pattern
- individual letters
- biblical
- text
- humans
Manufactured: in 1700 in the Siegerland area of Germany.
Current location: Hastings Museum and Art Gallery, John's Place, Bohemia Road, Hastings, East Sussex, England.
Museum number: HASMG: 1952.51.37 (part of the Hastings Museum museum group)
Citation: Lloyd, N., 1925, 'Domestic Ironwork I', Architectural Review, 58, pp. 58-67.
- Attached to series:
- 'Dutch' GK series
- Old Testament & Apocrypha firebacks
- Abraham & Isaac firebacks
Description: Arched rectangular central panel, with bead edging; pictorial, two men in 17th century dress, on a ground, carrying a huge bunch of grapes slung from a pole between them, behind are vine leaves; the initials located below the top corners; arched rectangular border, fillet edging, containing vine leaves and grapes; above, symmetrical swirling foliage.
Notes: The scene, drawn from the Old Testament, represents Joshua and Caleb carrying the bunch of grapes from the valley of Eshcol in the land of Canaan, back to Moses and the children of Israel (Numbers 13: 23-4); a small number of firebacks bear the initials, GK; it is not known to whom they refer, but dated examples are of 1700.
Copies of this fireback are known.
Inscription: G K
Manufactured: in 1700 in the Siegerland area of Germany.
Current location: Tiverton Castle, Tiverton, Devon, England.
- Attached to series:
- 'Dutch' GK series
- Old Testament & Apocrypha firebacks
- Joshua and Caleb firebacks