
Late pictorial series (all)

16 results

  1. 210

    brighton_museum 02.jpg
    405 x 534 mm

    Description: Quasi-arched rectangular shape; ovolo-moulded edging; fluid curving, double ovolo arch with a pair of putti holding looped ribbons; a lion rampant holding a cartouche, between two pilasters, each surmounted by a dragon’s head.

    Notes: A simple decorative device has replaced the customary allegorical or classical scene.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Manufactured: in the late-17th century in England.

    Current location: Brighton Museum and Art Gallery, Brighton, East Sussex, England.

    Museum number: HA105020 (part of the Brighton Museum museum group)

  2. 214

    brighton_museum 06.jpg
    381 x 581 mm

    Description: Rectangular with arched, mirrored scrolls on top and central scallop shell; fillet edging; in a grove with two putti above, blowing trumpets, to the left, a naked female figure seated against a table, pointing at three children to the right, on a rock; at the bottom, narrow panel with indistinct decoration.

    Notes: The scene is probably from classical mythology, but has not been identified.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Manufactured: in the early-18th century in England.

    Current location: Brighton Museum and Art Gallery, Brighton, East Sussex, England.

    Museum number: HATMP002269 (part of the Brighton Museum museum group)

  3. 25

    burwash,_batemans 03.jpg
    410 x >490 mm

    Description: Quasi-arched rectangular shape with arch decorated with floral swirls and an urn on each shoulder; three female figures: Aphrodite on the left, Hera in the centre on a plinth with two peacocks behind her, and Athena on the right; a double tassel hangs above Hera’s head.

    Notes: The figures are the participants in the Judgement of Paris, the outcome of which precipitated the Trojan War.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Manufactured: in the early-18th century in England.

    Current location: Bateman's, Burwash, East Sussex, England.

    Museum number: 761070 (part of the National Trust museum group)

  4. 26

    burwash,_batemans 04.jpg
    360 x 560 mm

    Description: Quasi-arched rectangular shape with swirled and draped foliage across the top; fillet edging with bottom panel containing indistinct floral scrolls; figure of Plenty/Abundance holding a bunch of fruit, accompanied on her left by a cherub, and receiving a further bunch of fruit from a faun to her right; two cherubs hold foliage aloft.

    Notes: The figure of Plenty is one of the representations in the Iconologia, published in the early 17th century by Cesare Ripa, and subsequently in other editions. They frequently form the subject of firebacks.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Manufactured: in the early-18th century in England.

    Current location: Bateman's, Burwash, East Sussex, England.

    Museum number: 761087 (part of the National Trust museum group)

    Citation: Hodgkinson, J. S., 2010, British Cast-Iron Firebacks of the 16th to Mid-18th Centuries (Crawley, Hodgers Books).

  5. 1011

    1575 x 889 mm

    Description: Rectangular shape with cavetto-moulded edging; top centre, initials in triad with date below; on each side, stamp formed of a small, wavy-arched rectangular fireback bearing a lion rampant between pilasters surmounted by burning cauldrons, beneath two mirrored putti holding branches; beneath the date, a stamp formed of a small arched-rectangular fireback laid on its left side with a burning cauldron on each shoulder and the faint figure of a bird in the centre.

    Notes: The two identical fireback stamps on either side of the inscription have been noted elsewhere (see no. 210 Late Pictorial series 5); the centre and right fireback stamps have been impressed insufficiently; illustration from Country Life advertisement by T. Crowther & Son Ltd, 18 Oct 1984.

    Inscription: TFE [triad] / 1701

    Manufactured: in 1701 in England.

    Current location: not known.

  6. 46

    cuckfield,_legh manor 01.jpg
    400 x 612 mm

    Description: Ionic columns supporting a semi-circular arch, in the centre of which the bust of a man has a floral swag beneath; below is a quasi-arched rectangle of beads within which is the figure of Hercules, wielding a club, slaying the Nemean Lion; beneath are floral scrolls; on top of the main arch two kneeling putti hold a wreath over the bust.

    Notes: Not the standard 'Dutch' type, which may indicate a different origin.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Manufactured: in the early- to mid-18th century in England.

    Current location: in private hands, Cuckfield, West Sussex, England.

  7. 86

    hadlow_down antiques 02.jpg
    660 x 914 mm

    Description: Quasi-arched rectangular shape; fillet edging; central female figure with urn on head, above which is an oval cartouche (possibly a mirror); to left, fireplace with basket grate, above which a lobster and another (unidentified) creature bear a covered vase; to right a seated female figure stretches forth her left arm, behind her is a statue of a female figure on a plinth at the foot of a curving flight of stairs; the whole is surrounded by naturalistic rocks and trees, suggesting a grotto.

    Notes: An unusually free pictorial decoration.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Manufactured: in the early-18th century in England.

    Current location: in private hands, Hadlow Down, East Sussex, England.

  8. 478

    maidstone_museum 09.jpg
    495 x 770 mm

    Description: Quasi-arched rectangular shape; fillett edging; vertical stylised seed pods contra-scrolled at each end, flanking central pictorial scene of young Jupiter in front of clouds and sunbeams, above young Mars firing a cannon; above, three roses suspended from swirls flanking a basket of flowers; on each side a foliate scroll with a flower bud resting on each; at the bottom, a separate panel with symmetrical swirled foliage.

    Notes: One of a small series of firebacks with similar borders.

    Manufactured: in the early-18th century in England.

    Current location: Maidstone Museum, St Faith's Street, Maidstone, Kent, England.

    (part of the Maidstone Museum museum group)

  9. 1290

    335 x 542 mm

    Description: Rectangular, with arch at the top. Above and below acanthus vines. In the middle a landscape with trees and two seated figures; on the left Mercury, playing a flute, a staff over his right shoulder, and at his feet a caduceus; to the right a seated male figure with his left hand supporting his head, in his right hand a stick with which he is supporting himself, behind him a cow, at his feet a dog.

    Notes: A scene from classical mythology.

    Manufactured: in the early-18th century in England.

    Current location: Rotterdam, Netherlands.

    Museum number: 15229 (part of the Museum Rotterdam museum group)

  10. 868

    new_york, met museum 03.jpg
    356 x 597 mm

    Description: Rectangular with arched, mirrored scrolls on top and central scallop shell, below which are swagged drapes with a central tassel; fillet edging; in a grove, to the left a putto blowing a horn, to the right a semi-naked female figure seated, holding the tail of a fish, with two ?dogs at her feet; at the bottom, narrow panel with symmetrical scrolled foliate decoration.

    Notes: Like others in the series, the scene is not immediately identifiable with a scene in classical mythology.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Manufactured: in the early-18th century in England.

    Current location: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000, Fifth Avenue, New York, New York, United States of America.

    Museum number: 08.81.6 (part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art museum group)