
770mm tall

17 results

  1. 1133

    amerongen,_21 nederstraat 05 515x770.jpg
    515 x 770 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular central panel with bead on fillet edging; flowers in a gadrooned vase upon a pedestal; arched rectangular border with fillet edging containing flowers descending from a ribbon bow; at the bottom, date; on top, symmetrical swirled foliage.

    Notes: The swirled foliage on top and the proportions of the fireback suggest an English origin.

    Inscription: 1723

    Manufactured: in 1723 in England.

    Current location: 21 Nederstraat, Amerongen, Utrechtse Heuvelrug, Netherlands.

  2. 224

    cardiff,_st fagans 02.jpg
    780 x 770 mm

    Description: Composite; Arched rectangular shaped, armorial fireback, cavetto edging, with Stuart Royal arms, garter, supporters, crown and motto, and 1639 date above crown; this overlies a rectangular plate, with rope-effect, fillet edging; a pattern of four rosettes surrounding a fleur-de-lys, its stem terminating in a small buckle, is repeated on each side of the central armorial fireback, with the initials above; each rosette is stamped separately.

    Notes: The armorial may originally have been one of the 1619 series. Formerly at Wonastow Court, Momouthshire

    Inscription: 1639 / G / HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE / DIEV ET MO DROIT

    Arms: English Stuart royal

    Manufactured: in 1639 possibly in the Forest of Dean area of England.

    Current location: National History Museum, St Fagans, Glamorgan, Wales.

    Museum number: 40.428 (part of the Welsh National History Museum museum group)

  3. 1298

    940 x 770 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular shape; astragal edging (top and sides); top centre, initials RT, widely split date below.

    Notes: Simple fireback with a pair of initials and date. The '3' of the date is from a different set of numerals from the others.

    Inscription: RT / 17 63

    Manufactured: in 1763 possibly in the Weald area of England.

    Current location: Farley Farmhouse, Muddles Green, Chiddingly, East Sussex, England.

  4. 91

    hadlow_down, tulleys.jpg
    1247 x 770 mm

    Description: Rectangular; twisted rope edging (top and sides); narrow top panel and two narrow side panels, each separated by twisted rope; top panel with symmetrical inscription line begun and ended with a stamp formed of four spots in square, the same stamps separating the date, each of the initials and a central rose stamp, the date being repeated at each end; plain side panels; central panel comprising three shields bearing a rose and crown, one on the top line between two rectangles, each bearing a griffin passant, and two shields on the ends of the lower line with two rectangles with griffins between, the bottom half of the plate is plain.

    Notes: The shield and griffin stamps appear on two firebacks at Hastings Museum, in each of which the shields are inverted.

    Inscription: 1569 HB AB 1569

    Manufactured: in 1569 in the Weald area of England.

    Current location: in private hands, Hadlow Down, East Sussex, England.

    Citation: Hodgkinson, J. S., 2010, British Cast-Iron Firebacks of the 16th to Mid-18th Centuries (Crawley, Hodgers Books).

  5. 108

    haslemere_museum 07.jpg
    1500 x 770 mm

    Description: Quasi-rectangular with narrow arches at top ends and a broad low central arch, between which are flat-topped peaks linked to the arches by shallow concave curves; flanged edge (top and sides); mirroring the edge a channel has been engraved into the metal, extending into the small arches, producing the effect of a wide fillet along the top and sides with an inverted U-shaped return into the end arches; within the channel, at each end, a primitive representation of a vertical, hollow plant stem and four mirrored pairs of curved branches, with a vertical channel parallel to the edge joining the branch ends on the inside; between these is cast a small, rectangular panel with ovolo edging, bearing a full achievement of the arms of the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers; the date is centrally placed above this panel.

    Notes: An usual fireback for several reasons: the use of engraving for significant elements of the design, the flanged edge, and the incorporation of a small fireback. The Clothworkers’ arms: Sable a chevron ermine between in chief two Havettes Argent and in base a Teazel Cob Or; crest: on a Mount vert a Ram statant Or; supporters: two Griffins Or pellettée; the arms as displayed were granted in 1587. An example of the armorial fireback on its own is in Petworth House (no. 522).

    Inscription: WV 1659 WV

    Arms: Worshipful Company of Clothworkers

    Manufactured: in 1659 in the Weald area of England.

    Current location: Haslemere Educational Museum, Haslemere, Surrey, England.

    Museum number: 8587 (part of the Haslemere Educational Museum museum group)

    Citation: Hodgkinson, J. S., 2010, British Cast-Iron Firebacks of the 16th to Mid-18th Centuries (Crawley, Hodgers Books).

  6. 180

    690 x 770 mm

    Description: Rectangular: fillet edging; top left, standing classically dressed female figure playing a lyre, with short column behind; top right, classically dressed female figure leaning on a short column; top centre, hatted figure of a bearded man with bagpipes on his back, riding a horse.

    Notes: An unusual group of stamps, possibly derived from brass chimney ornaments; the middle figure seems to have little in common with the other two, and the horse’s tail may include part of another figure. Formerly part of the Ade Collection (from Grove Hill, Hellingly, Sussex).

    Manufactured: in the late-19th to early-20th century in England.

    Current location: Hastings Museum and Art Gallery, John's Place, Bohemia Road, Hastings, East Sussex, England.

    Museum number: HASMG: 1952.51.66 (part of the Hastings Museum museum group)

  7. 371

    lewes,_sussex arch soc 006.jpg
    1170 x 770 mm

    Description: Rectangular; twisted rope edging (top and sides); top row, two square-within-a-square arrangements of twisted rope between three stamps formed of Gothic tracery cresting; 2nd row, two more tracery cresting stamps (the one on the right over stamping a fleur-de-lys) between two crowned, star-embossed butter mould stamps with a crowned rose-en-soleil stamp in the middle; 3rd row, three star-embossed butter mould stamps with two pairs of fleurs-de-lys between them; bottom row, seven fleurs-de-lys; plus interspersed short rope lengths, and a vertical, double zig-zag arrangement of rope lengths on each side.

    Notes: The rose-en-soleil was the badge of King Edward IV and, thus, a Yorkist symbol. Many of the stamps employed on this fireback are seen, with other stamps, on a wide variety of firebacks, suggesting a common source; similar gothic tracery stamps can be seen as pierced cresting on a rare late-Medieval, wooden Easter sepulchre at the redundant church of St Michael at Cowthorpe, North Yorkshire. Another fireback with an almost identical arrangement of the same stamps has also been noted (no. 713).

    Manufactured: in the mid- to late-16th century possibly at Pounsley Furnace, Framfield in the Weald area of England.

    Current location: Anne of Cleves House, Southover High Street, Lewes, East Sussex, England.

    Museum number: LH000.940 (part of the Sussex Archaeological Society museum group)

    Citation: Hodgkinson, J. S., 2010, British Cast-Iron Firebacks of the 16th to Mid-18th Centuries (Crawley, Hodgers Books).

  8. 419

    lewes,_sussex arch soc 054.jpg
    530 x 770 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular central panel with cavetto-moulded edging; standing female figure holding a bunch of lowers in her left hand and a pot of flowers in her ight hand; to her left a ribbed, two-handled vase of tulips, to her right a fountain with a seated figure of Neptune/Poseidon holding a trident in the right hand; the words, Fruhling, split by the figure; above, clouds; on top a scallop shell between two descending sea serpents.

    Notes: An iconic personification of Spring. Formerly at Swanborough Manor, Sussex.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: FRVH LING

    Manufactured: in the mid- to late-17th century possibly in the Siegerland area of Germany.

    Current location: Anne of Cleves House, Southover High Street, Lewes, East Sussex, England.

    Museum number: LH000.909 (part of the Sussex Archaeological Society museum group)

    Citation: Dawson, C., 1903, 'Sussex Iron Work and Pottery', Sussex Archaeological Collections, 46, pp. 1-54.

  9. 478

    maidstone_museum 09.jpg
    495 x 770 mm

    Description: Quasi-arched rectangular shape; fillett edging; vertical stylised seed pods contra-scrolled at each end, flanking central pictorial scene of young Jupiter in front of clouds and sunbeams, above young Mars firing a cannon; above, three roses suspended from swirls flanking a basket of flowers; on each side a foliate scroll with a flower bud resting on each; at the bottom, a separate panel with symmetrical swirled foliage.

    Notes: One of a small series of firebacks with similar borders.

    Manufactured: in the early-18th century in England.

    Current location: Maidstone Museum, St Faith's Street, Maidstone, Kent, England.

    (part of the Maidstone Museum museum group)

  10. 954

    much_marcle, hellens manor.jpg
    595 x 770 mm

    Description: Arched shape; patterned astragal edging; central shield with helm, crest and mantling above, and motto scroll below; initials either side of crest; date split by shield.

    Notes: The arms are those of Chamberlayne: gules, an inescutcheon within an orle of mullets argent; the crest: out of a ducal coronet the head of an ass (the tinctures vary according to the branch of the family); the initials are reputed to be those of Thomas Chamberlayne; the date appears to have been hand inscribed. The style of the carving is the same as on two other firebacks in the same county.

    Inscription: T C / 16 18 / [motto unreadable]

    Arms: Chamberlayne

    Manufactured: in 1618 possibly in the Herefordshire area of England.

    Current location: Hellens Manor, Much Marcle, Herefordshire, England.

    Citation: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments of England, 1932, An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, Volume 2: East (London, HMSO).