Description: Rectangular arrangement with fillet edging of eight square panels (four over four) between moulded stiles.
Notes: The pattern for this fireback suggests that it was made from a section of panelling, perhaps fitted into a frame for rigidity.
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular (shape)
- fillet (edging)
- carved pattern panels
- architectural
Manufactured: in the late-16th to early-17th century possibly in the Weald area of England.
Current location: Sackville College, Church Lane, East Grinstead, West Sussex, England.
- Attached to series:
- Miscellaneous pattern firebacks
Description: Rectangular; rope edging on top and sides; central inscription panel; repeated trailing vine decoration from impressed wooden strips — one horizontal line at top, four vertical strips each side of panel, eleven vertical strips below.
Notes: This fireback came to East Grinstead church from Hurst-an-Clays, a former farmhouse on the edge of the town, in 1933. The inscription is from the same carved pattern used on the graveslab of Anne Forster in Crowhurst church, Surrey; several firebacks have been cast using this panel, each different in other details from the rest. Some of the firebacks using this inscription date from after 1591.
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular (shape)
- rope (edging)
- simple stamps
- carved pattern panels
- text
- objects
Manufactured: in the late-16th century possibly at Pounsley Furnace, Framfield in the Weald area of England.
Current location: St Swithun's Church, High Street, East Grinstead, West Sussex, England.
Description: Canted rectangle with twisted rope edging (top and sides); rope line separating rectangle from trapezoidal section, which is, in turn, separated by rope lines into a central rectangle containing a rebated lozenge stamp beneath the date (reversed), and two mirrored triangles each containing what appear to be mirrored stamps of a bird, possibly a partridge, and an initial; both the initials and the date are reversed.
Notes: Reversal of numerals and letters is not uncommon on firebacks.
Inscription: E [or] F 16 04 C
- Decoration tags:
- canted rectangular (shape)
- rope (edging)
- carved stamps
- individual numbers
- text
- animals
- objects
Manufactured: in 1604 possibly in the Weald area of England.
Current location: not known.
Citation: Eschbaecher, J., 22 Jan 1959, 'Why in reverse?' [letter], Country Life, p. 153.
- Attached to series:
- Miscellaneous stamp firebacks
- Date & initials firebacks
Description: This fireback comprises at least four separate elements: the rectangular central panel has an anchor with coiled rope between two fleurs de lys, below which are two roses; the two rectangular side panels each comprise a vertical stem with six grape bunches surmounted by a smaller bunch; above, a semicircular arch contains the initials between two roses as in the central panel, with the date above; where the arch meets the central panel there is an arc across each corner; the top and sides panels are edged with simulated twisted rope.
Notes: A variant of the well-known ‘Armada’ fireback.
Copies of this fireback are known.
Inscription: 1588 / IFC
- Decoration tags:
- arched rectangular (shape)
- simulated rope (edging)
- carved pattern panels
- text
- plants
- objects
Manufactured: in 1588 in the Weald area of England.
Current location: Chequers, Ellesborough, Buckinghamshire, England.
- Attached to series:
- Armada series
Description: Arched rectangular shape; cavetto edging; a pheon (a downward-pointing arrow head barbed on the inner edge), the badge of the Sidneys, within a wreath, an earl’s coronet above; the date on either side of the coronet.
Notes: The badge is of the Sidneys, Earls of Leicester. The date is most likely to be 1626 as the Earldom was not conferred upon Robert Sidney until 1618 and he died in 1626. A recast plate.
Inscription: 16 [?]26
Arms: Badge of Sidney family, Earls of Leicester
- Decoration tags:
- arched rectangular (shape)
- astragal (edging)
- whole carved pattern
- individual numbers
- heraldic
- text
Manufactured: in the early- to mid-17th century possibly at Robertsbridge Furnace, Salehurst in the Weald area of England.
Current location: Florence Court, Enniskillen, Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.
Museum number: 630836 (part of the National Trust museum group)
- Attached to series:
- Earl of Leicester series
- Personal firebacks
Description: Fragment; rectangular; flanged top edge; probable symmetrical arrangement of crowned Tudor royal shield stamps (4 above 3); vertical line on either side of each shield; left hand print in bottom left corner, probably mirrored on right.
Notes: The right side of the fireback is missing. Very crude modelling of stamp suggests an early date; the same crowned shield and use of hand print can be seen on a fireback at Rolvenden (no. 661), indicating a common source..
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular (shape)
- flanged (edging)
- simple stamps
- carved stamps
- heraldic
- humans
Manufactured: in the early- to mid-16th century in the Weald area of England.
Current location: in private hands, Etchingham, East Sussex, England.
- Attached to series:
- Hand print firebacks
- Early Tudor series
- Tudor royal armorial firebacks
Description: Rectangular with triangular arch; ovolo-moulded edging (top and sides); small stamp of a ‘Renaissance’ shield bearing the initials IC, repeated eight times 3-2-3) in a regular arrangement.
Notes: The initials have not been identified.
Inscription: IC
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular with triangular arch (shape)
- ovolo (edging)
- carved pattern panels
- heraldic
- text
Manufactured: in the mid- to late-16th century in the Weald area of England.
Current location:, not known.
- Attached to series:
- Initials only firebacks
- Triangle arch series
Description: Rectangular; rebated ovolo-moulded edging (top, left and half-right sides); top centre, date with unevenly positioned numerals.
Notes: The asymmetry of the side moulding is unusual.
Inscription: 1667
- Decoration tags:
- rectangular (shape)
- rebated ovolo moulding (edging)
- carved stamps
- individual numbers
- text
Manufactured: in 1667 possibly in the Weald area of England.
Current location: Faversham, Kent, England.
- Attached to series:
- Date only firebacks
- 1660s-90s Wealden series
Description: Canted rectangle; twisted rope edging; plain plate
- Decoration tags:
- canted rectangular (shape)
- rope (edging)
- simple stamps
Manufactured: in the 16th or 17th century possibly in the Weald area of England.
Current location: in private hands, Fernhurst, West Sussex, England.
- Attached to series:
- Base boards
Description: Quasi-arched rectangular shape; twisted rope edging on top and sides of rectangle, and separately around arch; the rope ends extend beyond both ends of the top edge; vertical rope lengths, to full height, inside left and right edges; rope crosses in arch and in upper centre of rectangle.
Notes: Probably an early vernacular example of a design mimicking the ‘Palladian’ style. The crosses suggest Christian significance.
- Decoration tags:
- arched rectangular (shape)
- rope (edging)
- simple stamps
- apotropaic
Manufactured: in the mid- to late-16th century in the Weald area of England.
Current location: in private hands, Fernhurst, West Sussex, England.
- Attached to series:
- Rope design firebacks