
Shape: 'Dutch'

178 results

  1. 1130

    465 x 740 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular central panel with helical ribbon edging; pictorial image of a partially clothed female figure, holding an upraised wreath in her left hand and a garland in her right hand, standing on a ground, with a gadrooned vase containing flowers and leaves to the right and, above, swagged drapery; arched rectangular fillet border with descending leaves and flowers suspended from a wreath, top centre, and a wreath in each top corner; on top, mirrored swirled fronds terminating in the heads of sea monsters; bottom, vestiges of SHR monogram otherwise all decoration obliterated by fire damage.

    Notes: The figure is an allegorical representation of Agriculture, one of the Iconologia originally published by Cesare Ripa in 1613.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: SHR

    Manufactured: in the early-18th century in England.

    Current location: Authentic Reclamation, Lymden Lane, Ticehurst, East Sussex, England.

  2. 1297

    310 x 530 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular shaped central panel with bead-on-fillet edging; a peacock, facing right, standing on a plinth, with foliage to the left and clouds above; arched rectangular shaped border with fillet edging, symmetrical floral fronds descending from a scallop shell, top centre, with a scallop shell inside each shoulder; at base, detail mostly obscured by corrosion but the numerals '17 24' are faintly visible in the bottom corners; on top, a pair of mirrored, stylised sea serpents with a central arrangement of foliage.

    Notes: The image of the peacock may be an adaptation of an engraving (1654-62) by Wenceslaus Hollar, after Francis Barlow, in which a peacock also stands on a plinth. The small size of this fireback makes it likely that it was intended to be fixed to the back of a grate. A copy of a fireback of this design features in Gleanings from Old English Firesides by Arthur Todhunter.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: 17 24

    Manufactured: in 1724 in England.

    Current location: Authentic Reclamation, Lymden Lane, Ticehurst, East Sussex, England.

    Citation: Todhunter, A., c.1910, Gleanings from Old English Firesides (New York, Arthur Todhunter), p. 3.

  3. 701

    tiverton_castle 01.jpg
    780 x 890 mm

    Description: Arched, rectangular central panel with fillet edging; figure of Abundance holding a sickle and a Horn of Plenty, a child, also holding a sickle, to the right, a seated dog to the left, framed by trees; fillet-edged border with a plant pot each side, lilies issuing therefrom; above an oval shield of arms, a grotesque face above, supported by two lions.

    Notes: Abundance was one of many allegorical figures to feature in the Iconologia, first published by Cesare Ripa in 1593. The style of the fireback derives from those produced in the Siegenland of NW Germany for the Dutch market, but this example may be a pastiche produced for the French market.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Manufactured: in the late-17th to early-18th century possibly in the Lorraine area of France.

    Current location: Tiverton Castle, Tiverton, Devon, England.

  4. 704

    tiverton_castle 04.jpg
    770 x 1060 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular central panel with bead edging; pictorial figure of a winged child holding a thunderbolt in his right hand and a sceptre in his left hand, on a ground of clouds; arched rectangular border with astragal and cavetto moulded edging; two cornucopiae, flowers and leaves tumbling from them and hanging suspended down the sides; on top, two sea serpents.

    Notes: The figure is of Zeus/Jupiter as a child.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: 16 [...]

    Manufactured: in the mid- to late-17th century in the Siegerland area of Germany.

    Current location: Tiverton Castle, Tiverton, Devon, England.

  5. 706

    tiverton_castle 06.jpg
    590 x 838 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular central panel, with bead edging; pictorial, two men in 17th century dress, on a ground, carrying a huge bunch of grapes slung from a pole between them, behind are vine leaves; the initials located below the top corners; arched rectangular border, fillet edging, containing vine leaves and grapes; above, symmetrical swirling foliage.

    Notes: The scene, drawn from the Old Testament, represents Joshua and Caleb carrying the bunch of grapes from the valley of Eshcol in the land of Canaan, back to Moses and the children of Israel (Numbers 13: 23-4); a small number of firebacks bear the initials, GK; it is not known to whom they refer, but dated examples are of 1700.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: G K

    Manufactured: in 1700 in the Siegerland area of Germany.

    Current location: Tiverton Castle, Tiverton, Devon, England.

    Citation: Hodgkinson, J. S., 2010, British Cast-Iron Firebacks of the 16th to Mid-18th Centuries (Crawley, Hodgers Books).

  6. 709

    unknown_04 northumberland 610 x 835.jpg
    610 x 835 mm

    Description: Arched central panel with fillet edging; figure in classical dress standing on a mound in front of a leafless tree; u; ninterrupted side and bottom border with straight fillet edges; at sides, mirrored low-relief undulating tendril design; at bottom, central leaf design; on top, central plume with hanging flower, between mirrored low-relief foliate swirls.

    Notes: The figure is probably an allegory of Humility. Another example of this fireback bears the date 1746.

    Manufactured: in the mid-18th century .

    Current location:, not known.

  7. 710

    unknown_06 700 x 515.jpg
    515 x 700 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular central panel with bead edging; figure of a man with a shield, brandishing a sword in his right hand; arched rectangular border with astragal and fillet edging; mirrored swirled foliate design; on top, scallop shell between two descending sea serpents.

    Notes: The figure is probably a mythological subject.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Manufactured: in the mid- to late-17th century in the Siegerland area of Germany.

    Current location:, not known.

  8. 1263

    470 x 635 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular shaped central panel with hollow bead edging; a putto, its head inclined to its left, standing on a platform, holding a wand in its right hand and a branch in its left hand, a flower in a pot is on each side, and above, swagged drapery; arched rectangular shaped border with fillet edging; swirled flowers and tendrils symmetrically arranged, with SHR monogram at centre bottom; two mirrored stylised sea serpents on top; to each side a vertical extension with bead edging, of the same decoration as the side borders.

    Notes: The figure depicted is probably emblematic although the meaning has yet to be determined. The frame of the central panel and the enclosing border are identical to those noted on another fireback displaying a figure of Pluto (see fireback no. 164). This may be an example of an image from one casting being superimposed within the frame of an earlier fireback. The border is identical to that seen on fireback no. 1220.

    Inscription: SHR

    Manufactured: in the early-18th century in England.

    Current location: not known.

  9. 716

    unknown_22 990 x 740.jpg
    740 x 990 mm

    Description: Cavetto canted rectangular central panel with ovolo-moulded edging, enclosing a pictorial scene of a naked female seated at a fountain on the left, with two clothed males to her right; behind, a part of a domed brick building with the inscription around the top of the wall; enclosing the scene, twin floral festoons suspended from top centre; on top, a central crown between two descending dolphins.

    Notes: The scene depicts the Apocryphal story of Susanna and the Elders.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: SVSANA

    Manufactured: in the late-17th to early-18th century in Germany.

    Current location:, not known.

  10. 717

    unknown_24 457 x 737.jpg
    457 x 737 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular central panel with bead-on-fillet edging; femal figure holding scales in her right hand and a sword in her left hand, foliage and clouds behind; arched rectangular border with fillet edging; from a central bow with three tassels at the top, two suspended festoons of flowers, each running through a ring under the top corners, and continuing along the bottom; on top, a central cartouche between mirrored foliate scrolls.

    Notes: The female is an allegorical representation of Justice.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Manufactured: in the early-18th century in England.

    Current location: not known.