
Edging: fillet

237 results

  1. 21

    burwash,_batemans 01.jpg
    695 x ?975 mm

    Description: Rectangular central panel with bead edging all round, pictorial representation of the Annunciation by the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary, the angel carries a lily, Mary kneels at a desk, between them is a basket, above them a dove descends from clouds amid sunbeams, to the left is an arch, in the centre a bed, and to the right a window and a canopy; above the panel is a bead-edged arch with a central scallop shell and a floral swag suspended from scrolls; arched rectangular shaped border with fillet edging, a cascade of leaves and fruit (inc. apples, grapes, pears and pomegranates) descending from a wreath, at the base two cartouches conjoined by a scallop shell and containing the inscription; on top a scallop shell between two dolphins.

    Notes: A common fireback design originating in the Siegerland of north Germany and made for the Dutch market. A good clear casting. The illustration is copied from Virgil Solis, 'Biblische Figuren',1562.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: ANNO 1667

    Manufactured: in 1667 in the Siegerland area of Germany.

    Current location: Bateman's, Burwash, East Sussex, England.

    Museum number: 761056 (part of the National Trust museum group)

    Citation: Herskamp, W, 2007, Die Eiserne Bibel (Helios, Aachen).

  2. 25

    burwash,_batemans 03.jpg
    410 x >490 mm

    Description: Quasi-arched rectangular shape with arch decorated with floral swirls and an urn on each shoulder; three female figures: Aphrodite on the left, Hera in the centre on a plinth with two peacocks behind her, and Athena on the right; a double tassel hangs above Hera’s head.

    Notes: The figures are the participants in the Judgement of Paris, the outcome of which precipitated the Trojan War.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Manufactured: in the early-18th century in England.

    Current location: Bateman's, Burwash, East Sussex, England.

    Museum number: 761070 (part of the National Trust museum group)

  3. 26

    burwash,_batemans 04.jpg
    360 x 560 mm

    Description: Quasi-arched rectangular shape with swirled and draped foliage across the top; fillet edging with bottom panel containing indistinct floral scrolls; figure of Plenty/Abundance holding a bunch of fruit, accompanied on her left by a cherub, and receiving a further bunch of fruit from a faun to her right; two cherubs hold foliage aloft.

    Notes: The figure of Plenty is one of the representations in the Iconologia, published in the early 17th century by Cesare Ripa, and subsequently in other editions. They frequently form the subject of firebacks.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Manufactured: in the early-18th century in England.

    Current location: Bateman's, Burwash, East Sussex, England.

    Museum number: 761087 (part of the National Trust museum group)

    Citation: Hodgkinson, J. S., 2010, British Cast-Iron Firebacks of the 16th to Mid-18th Centuries (Crawley, Hodgers Books).

  4. 813

    canons_ashby 02.jpg
    710 x 930 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular central panel with bead and fillet edging; two-handled vase with flowers issuing from it, a triple plume of ostrich feathers above, and in the bottom right corner the inscribed inscription, 'CofA' [Charteris of Amisfield]; arched rectangular border with fillet edging; central rose at top of arch with other flowers to each side; successive bunches of pears, grapes and apples descending down each side; inscription (Haec tabula domus instauratae focum ornat) in relief in two rows along the bottom, with circular badges of the National Heritage Memorial Fund to left, and National Trust to right; on top, rope knotted in two loops, each containing half of the date in relief, with descending leaves and flowers on each side.

    Notes: This fireback was cast for Martin, Lord Charteris of Amisfield (1913-99), Trustee of the National Heritage Memorial Fund, from a pattern he designed and made, to commemorate the completion of restoration work to Canons Ashby.

    Inscription: 1984 / CofA / HAEC TABULA DOMUS IN- / STAURATAE FOCUM ORNAT [this plate adorns the hearth of a restored house]

    Manufactured: in 1984 in England.

    Current location: Canons Ashby, Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire, England.

    Museum number: 494619 (part of the National Trust museum group)

  5. 222

    canons_ashby 04.jpg
    711 x 940 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular central panel with ‘nutshell’ edging on a broad fillet; crowned figure, holding a sceptre in his right hand, sitting in a chariot drawn to the left by two horses with ostrich feather head-dresses; the whole upon a causeway with pilasters and masonry, and waves beneath; a heron flying to the left; above, swagged drapery with two tassels hanging from the centre; arched rectangular shaped border with fillet edging, symmetrical, flower bunches, descending from a ribbon loop; monogram centre bottom, between plant tendrils; on top, symmetrical scrolled plant tendrils.

    Notes: The design is derived from a personification of Europe, one of a set of playing cards entitled 'Jeu de la Géographie', designed by Stefano della Bella (1677); a similarity with Queen Anne may not be coincidental; the flying heron has been copied from a print by Wenceslaus Hollar c.1658.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: SHR

    Manufactured: in the late-17th to early-18th century in England.

    Current location: Canons Ashby House, Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire, England.

    Museum number: NT/L/CAN/M/79 (part of the National Trust museum group)

    Citation: Hodgkinson, J. S., 2010, British Cast-Iron Firebacks of the 16th to Mid-18th Centuries (Crawley, Hodgers Books).

  6. 224

    cardiff,_st fagans 02.jpg
    780 x 770 mm

    Description: Composite; Arched rectangular shaped, armorial fireback, cavetto edging, with Stuart Royal arms, garter, supporters, crown and motto, and 1639 date above crown; this overlies a rectangular plate, with rope-effect, fillet edging; a pattern of four rosettes surrounding a fleur-de-lys, its stem terminating in a small buckle, is repeated on each side of the central armorial fireback, with the initials above; each rosette is stamped separately.

    Notes: The armorial may originally have been one of the 1619 series. Formerly at Wonastow Court, Momouthshire

    Inscription: 1639 / G / HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE / DIEV ET MO DROIT

    Arms: English Stuart royal

    Manufactured: in 1639 possibly in the Forest of Dean area of England.

    Current location: National History Museum, St Fagans, Glamorgan, Wales.

    Museum number: 40.428 (part of the Welsh National History Museum museum group)

  7. 226

    cardiff,_st fagans 04.jpg
    660 x 900 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular shaped central panel with bead-and-pellet edging on a wide fillet; central pedestal with a serpent fountain ringed with water, and two swans swimming, plants rising from the waves; above, swags of drapery with two central tassels; arched rectangular shaped border with fillet edging, symmetrical floral fronds descending from a rose, top centre, with a looped 'W' in each shoulder; inscription at base, beteen date; on top, symmetrical scrolled plant tendrils. A single vertical plankline right of centre.

    Notes: One of a group of firebacks all of the same date, some of which have the same Welsh inscription which translates as 'God is our strength'. All incorporate the looped 'W' motif which may be intended to identify the pattern maker. The design is taken from 'Nouveaux livres de ...Fontaines [etc.]' (La Haye & Amsterdam 1702-5) by Daniel Marot (1661-1752). Formerly at Allt-y-ferin, Nantgaredig, Carmarthenshire.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: 17 DVW Ydyw Ein Cadernid 24

    Manufactured: in 1724 in England.

    Current location: National History Museum, St Fagans, Glamorgan, Wales.

    Museum number: 62.156 (part of the Welsh National History Museum museum group)

    Citation: Hodgkinson, J. S., 2010, British Cast-Iron Firebacks of the 16th to Mid-18th Centuries (Crawley, Hodgers Books).

  8. 233

    cardiff,_st fagans 10.jpg
    372 x 570 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular central panel, bead edging, a stork, to the left, its beak in the top of a tall vase, a fox seated to the right, a tree behind; arched rectangular border, fillet edging, swags of fruit bunches (missing at the sides) suspended from ribbon, inscription below central panel; on top, symmetrical floral swirls and flowers.

    Notes: The scene is drawn from 'The Fox and the Stork', one of Aesop's fables. A recasting. Formerly at Ffynnon Deilo, Pendoylan, Glamorgan.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: 16 NDW 97

    Manufactured: in 1697 in the Siegerland area of Germany.

    Current location: National History Museum, St Fagans, Glamorgan, Wales.

    Museum number: 59.461 (part of the Welsh National History Museum museum group)

  9. 238

    cardiff,_st fagans 15.jpg
    612 x 830 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular shaped central panel with bead-and-pellet edging on a wide fillet; crowned figure, holding a sceptre in his right hand, sitting in a chariot drawn to the left by two, caparisoned horses with ostrich feather head-dresses; the whole upon a three-arched bridge with keystones and a string course, waves beneath; above, swagged drapery with two tassels hanging from the centre; arched rectangular shaped border with fillet edging, symmetrical, descending oak leaf and acorn branches, with a looped 'W' in each shoulder; inscription at base; on top, symmetrical scrolled plant tendrils and berries. A single central vertical plankline.

    Notes: One of a series produced in the same year. All incorporate the looped 'W' motif which may be intended to identify the pattern maker. The design is derived from a personification of Europe, one of a set of playing cards entitled Jeu de la Géographie, designed by Stefano della Bella for Louis XIV. The inscription translates as 'God is our strength'.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: 17 DVW Ydyw Ein Cadernid 24

    Manufactured: in 1724 in England.

    Current location: National History Museum, St Fagans, Glamorgan, Wales.

    Museum number: F81.233 (part of the Welsh National History Museum museum group)

    Citation: Hodgkinson, J. S., 2010, British Cast-Iron Firebacks of the 16th to Mid-18th Centuries (Crawley, Hodgers Books).

  10. 239

    cardiff,_st fagans 16.jpg
    >700 x >400 mm

    Description: Arched rectangle with stepped, canted shoulders; fillet and astragal edging (top and sides only); initials above date at top of plate.

    Notes: The shape and edging are uncommon. Formerly from Caerphilly, Glamorgan.

    Inscription: D H / 1746

    Manufactured: in 1746 in Wales.

    Current location: National History Museum, St Fagans, Glamorgan, Wales.

    Museum number: 44.303/1 (part of the Welsh National History Museum museum group)