
Edging: fillet

237 results

  1. 858

    goodwin_smith 03.jpg
    491 x ~773 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular shaped central panel, bead-and-pellet on fillet edging, narrow-necked, two-handled urn with flowers and wheat ears issuing therefrom, the vase resting on paving, upon which are two small flowers in pots with a stool between; arched rectangular shaped border with fillet edging and symmetrical floral tendrils, a looped 'W' in each shoulder; on top, mirrored leaves, tendrils and wheat ears; inscription along bottom of border.

    Notes: The largest of six flower vase designs in this series. All incorporate the looped 'W' motif which may be intended to identify the pattern maker. The inscription translates as 'God is our strength'. Illustration from Goodwin-Smith, 1936.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: 17 DVW Ydyw Ein Cadernid 24

    Manufactured: in 1724 in England.

    Current location: not known.

    Citation: Goodwin-Smith, R., 1936, 'Some English Firebacks', The Connoisseur, 97, pp. 36-8.

  2. 1292

    905 x 1070 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular shape; Greek Key border with fillet edges; in high relief, in front of swagged drapery, the shield of, quarterly, France quartering England, Scotland and Ireland, surrounded by a Garter, and surmounted by a ducal coronet; below, the inscription in capitals.

    Notes: The use of the Greek Key design as a border is believed to be unique for an English fireback. Although somewhat indistinct, the use of the Stuart royal arms and the ducal coronet can be explained by the fact that the fireback was one of a group cast for the 2nd Duke of Richmond, whose father, the 1st duke, was the illegitimate son of Charles II and Louise de Kéroualle. The Richmond arms were differenced from the Stuart royal arms by the addition of a bordure compony (the detail of which is not distinct on this casting). Sowley Furnace, near Beaulieu in Hampshire, was owned in 1732 by John, 2nd Duke of Montagu, and was let to Miles Troughton. An identical fireback also at Goodwood is dated 1731 and a similar, but smaller, variant of this fireback, is dated 1732.

    Copies of this fireback are known.


    Arms: Duke of Richmond

    Manufactured: in 1730 at Sowley Furnace, Beaulieu in the New Forest area of England.

    Current location: Goodwood House, Westhampnett, West Sussex, England.

  3. 1230

    380 x 565 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular central panel with bead-on-fillet edging; gadrooned vase with a quasi-symmetrical arrangement of fronds, leaves and flowers issuing therefrom, topped by a central bloom; arched rectangular border with fillet edging and a quasi-symmetrical arrangement of fronds, leaves and flowers descending from top centre; at the bottom, leaves splayed from a central cartouche enclosing an indecipherable initial or monogram; on top, symmetrical sea serpents descending from a central beribboned pendant.

    Notes: A familiar type of design seen on many small firebacks/gratebacks of this period.

    Inscription: [indecipherable]

    Manufactured: in the early-18th century in England.

    Current location: Godinton House, Great Chart, Kent, England.

  4. 83

    580 x 840 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular shaped central panel, bead-and-pellet edging, semi-naked male figure, wearing a floral head-dress and carrying a basket of produce, initials in top corners; arched rectangular shaped border, fillet edging, symmetrical festoons of foliage, floral scrolls at base, date in an oval cartouche; on top, two putti, two dolphins and scrolled foliage, all symmetrical.

    Notes: An allegory of Spring, based closely on an engraving, dated 1600, by Hendrik Goltzius (1558-1617); one of a series of large firebacks of similar date, all bearing the initials, GK.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: G K / 1700

    Manufactured: in 1700 possibly in the Siegerland area of Germany.

    Current location: Guildford Museum, Guildford, Surrey, England.

    Museum number: S,7111 (part of the Guildford Museum museum group)

    Citation: Pesch, D., 1982, Herdgussplatten (Rheinland-Verlag, Koln).

  5. 77

    guildford_museum 02.jpg
    382 x 610 mm

    Description: 'Dutch' style; arched rectangular shaped central panel, bead edging, two children sitting astride a beast (possibly a winged ram); arched rectangular shaped border, fillet edging, swags of fruit bunches suspended from ribbon; on top, symmetrical floral swirls and flowers.

    Notes: The image is probably intended to be Phrixus and Helle riding the winged ram with the golden fleece, but in recasting it has been misinterpreted as the young Samson slaying the lion at Timnath; Judges 14: 5-6.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: 16 NDW 97 / DER JUNGE SAMSON [the young Samson]

    Manufactured: in the late-17th to early-18th century possibly in the Weald area of England.

    Current location: Guildford Museum, Guildford, Surrey, England.

    Museum number: G.486 (part of the Guildford Museum museum group)

  6. 81

    guildford_museum 06.jpg
    677 x 620 mm

    Description: Rectangular with two mirrored scrolls on top, a lion’s face between; bas-relief semi-circle edging (sides and bottom); central pilaster with vine scrolling, Corinthian capital, initials on the pedestal; on either side, an arched alcove, each with a halberdier in mid-17th century clothes, their feet pointing to the middle.

    Notes: Stylistically similar to the Lenard fireback (no. 429), the initials also appear on other firebacks, possibly from Brede. All known examples of this fireback are poorly modelled and cast.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: IM

    Manufactured: in the early- to mid-17th century possibly at Brede Furnace in the Weald area of England.

    Current location: Guildford Museum, Guildford, Surrey, England.

    Museum number: S.7108 (part of the Guildford Museum museum group)

    Citation: Hodgkinson, J. S., 2010, British Cast-Iron Firebacks of the 16th to Mid-18th Centuries (Crawley, Hodgers Books).

    Citation: Hodgkinson, J. S., 2014, 'A Seventeenth-Century Sussex Woodcarver: The Evidence of Cast Ironwork', Regional Furniture, 28, pp. 39-48.

    Citation: Lloyd, N., 1925, 'Domestic Ironwork I', Architectural Review, 58, pp. 58-67.

  7. 82

    guildford_museum 07.jpg
    338 x 540 mm

    Description: 'Dutch' style; arched rectangular shaped central panel, bead on fillet edging, naturalistic scene of a heron with wings extended catching a fish, water below, clouds above, plants in background; arched rectangular shaped border, fillet edging, symmetrical scrolled tendril pattern; at bottom, two looped 'W' figures between date split corners; on top, symmetrical scrolled foliage. A single central vertical plankline.

    Notes: The image of the heron is taken from a print, by Wenceslaus Hollar c.1658, of an etching by Francis Barlow (c.1626-1704); the style of the date suggests a similar pattern maker to a series of firebacks, of the same date, some bearing a Welsh inscription. All incorporate the looped 'W' motif which may be intended to identify the pattern maker. The small size of this fireback makes it likely that it was intended to be fixed to the back of a grate.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: 17 24

    Manufactured: in 1724 in England.

    Current location: Guildford Museum, Guildford, Surrey, England.

    Museum number: G.487 (part of the Guildford Museum museum group)

    Citation: Hodgkinson, J. S., 2010, British Cast-Iron Firebacks of the 16th to Mid-18th Centuries (Crawley, Hodgers Books).

  8. 86

    hadlow_down antiques 02.jpg
    660 x 914 mm

    Description: Quasi-arched rectangular shape; fillet edging; central female figure with urn on head, above which is an oval cartouche (possibly a mirror); to left, fireplace with basket grate, above which a lobster and another (unidentified) creature bear a covered vase; to right a seated female figure stretches forth her left arm, behind her is a statue of a female figure on a plinth at the foot of a curving flight of stairs; the whole is surrounded by naturalistic rocks and trees, suggesting a grotto.

    Notes: An unusually free pictorial decoration.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Manufactured: in the early-18th century in England.

    Current location: in private hands, Hadlow Down, East Sussex, England.

  9. 1239

    755 x 1010 mm

    Description: Arched rectangular central panel with bead-on-fillet edging; pictorial scene of Jesus sitting at the well with the woman of Samaria standing opposite, a rural scene behind, trees on each side and clouds with sunrays above; arched rectangular border with fillet edging; central cartouche at top, with festoons of fruit, flowers and leaves suspended on each side from ribbons supported by rings; at the bottom, swirled ribbon around an oval compartment bearing the inscription 'L6C'; on top, a central cartouche from which descend a cornucopia on each side of the arch.

    Notes: The scene, seen on many German firebacks and stoveplates, is from St John's gospel, chapter 4; the inscription at the bottom indicates the style of border; other firebacks with the same inscription have the same border; similar inscriptions (e.g. L7C and L8G) indicate different borders.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: L6C

    Manufactured: in the mid- to late-17th century possibly in the Siegerland area of Germany.

    Current location: in private hands Vreden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.

    Citation: Elling, W. & Winkler-Borck, S., 1992, Ofen- und Kaminplatten (Vreden, Hamaland-Museum).

  10. 87

    hampton_court 01.jpg
    995 x 1185 mm

    Description: 'Dutch' style; cavetto-canted arched rectangular shaped central panel, double fillet and bead edging, figure of Poseidon/Neptone, trident in right hand, standing on three scallop shells, within a niche with a demi-hemispherical roof and two sloping supporting walls, on either side is a mythical seahorse, below is a walled fountain base with two mermaids at the front; cavetto-canted arched rectangular shaped border with scallop and clam shells separated by swirled foliage, monogram at base between scrolled foliage; on top, scrolled foliage.

    Notes: From a design in 'Nouveaux livres de ...Statues [etc.]' (La Haye & Amsterdam 1702-5), by Daniel Marot.

    Copies of this fireback are known.

    Inscription: EB

    Manufactured: in the early-18th century in England.

    Current location: Hampton Court, Richmond, Greater London, England.

    Museum number: 1098 (part of the Royal Collection museum group)

    Citation: Hodgkinson, J. S., 2010, British Cast-Iron Firebacks of the 16th to Mid-18th Centuries (Crawley, Hodgers Books).